Newborn Invasion.

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Everyone started backing inside, but a small cloud of black smoke appeared right next to the ones that were still outside. Tall Lanky Newborns with dark cracked skin grabbed multiple of the soldiers, and ripped them apart. The ones that weren't grabbed were thrown out the way, and a missile was shot at them. The door started to close as the small group inside were being closed inside. Before it closed fully, Guardian noticed a missile flying towards them. "Everyone get out the way!" Anne, Guardian, and Miles ran far from the door, but the others behind them were hit, and exploded into pieces, as the door closed fully, and the smoke cleared. 

Guardian coughed, and looked back at the burnt chunks of the Soldiers. Mile stared at them huffing. He could tell Miles was angry, but he pushed it aside. "Come on.. We have to move deeper into the station. Our best bet is to try calling for help from the computers." Guardian stood up, "I know where that room is! Just- Follow me.." They started walking deeper into the hallway. passing by the corpses of the workers. Anne turned to Guardian, "S-So.. Was there anything inside of here?" He nodded. "Both things are dead though.. Dipsy got inside and murdered every worker with this chainsaw, but he ran into a laser and got fried. I also learned Announcer was a giant military battle Mech, that I also had to destroy.." Anne smiled sheepishly, "Yeah that.. Was a weird waste of our funding." 

Guardian couldn't help but notice how Miles kept side eying him. "Uhm.. Do you need something Sargent?" Miles shook his head, "Just thinking about how you killed some of them before they could even get help.." Guardian looked down. "Listen, There was no way they could come back from this.. Dipsy doesn't even have his head, and their corpses.. They'd die as soon as they were cured." Anne let out a small squeak, and the three stopped. "S-Speaking of which.." They all looked down to the ground, to see Dipsy collapsed on it. "See?.. I grabbed the chainsaw he had and used it. We're going the right way.." They stepped over the body hesitantly, Anne inhaling slowly, then exhaling. "I'll be alright.." They stopped Infront of a large metal door. "I got this.." He pulled out a keycard, and swiped it into a keypad. The door opened, and they stepped inside. "This is where I called for help.." 

As they walked in, they all noticed the destroyed Announcer mech on the ground, scraped and torn up from the chainsaw. "Thing had a buzzsaw, I almost got sliced in half.." Miles scoffed. "How'd it turn on? How do we know you didn't stage all of this?" Guardian looked at him, somewhat annoyed. "Dude, if you want just check the cameras, you'll see. Noo-Noo activated this god damn thing and it attacked, so I fought back. I didn't want to.. I didn't wanna hurt anything, but I had no choice."

Anne sat down at a large computer, turned it on, and started typing into it. "Alright, I'll send the transmission." She pulled up a microphone on the desk and spoke, "Military, this is the last survivors of the team you've sent out to Tubbyland! We were overrun and there are only three of us left! We're trapped inside the Satellite Station with no food or water, we need urgent help! Be prepared to attack zombie like creatures outside!" She finished speaking, and pressed a button. The transmission started to upload, but was stopped right away. Text appeared, "System Error, No transmission device." Miles grunted, "Damn it! I forgot the Satellite was destroyed.. We're gonna need to find another way or rebuild that thing with scraps in here." Guardian pointed towards Announcer, "We can use parts from that. I mean.." Anne examined it, "It could work. We'd have to wait for the creatures outside to clear out first.." Guardian blurted out, "Newborns. Noo-Noo told me they're called Newborns.. They're New Teletubbies that were.. Killed before even being finished, and turned into monsters." Miles scoffed, "I told them it was stupid to send a vacuum AI to watch over a bunch of babbling dweebs."

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