The Horrible Truth.

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The screen turned on, and there it was. Anne read out the footages date, "August 31st, 2017.." Miles tilted his head, "God.. I forgot today was-" Guardian sighed, "Halloween.. I pay attention to the days that pass in that lonely secret lair in the mainland, that I don't even need to look at the date to know what today is.." Anne clicked on the footage, and the screen changed. It was showing a tape of a testing room, with three Teletubbies strapped to metal tables. They were all squirming.. Guardian stared longer. "The original candidates for the Mainland experiment.. I recognize it now. What I saw in the caves.." On the four tables, there was a brown furred Teletubby with a cross like antenna, a sky blue one with puffs on around his wrists and on his shoulder, and an orange Teletubby, with an arrow antenna. The fourth table, was empty. A strange voice spoke from off camera, "The fourth one.. Where is he?" Another one spoke, "We've already taken care of him. He's living a "normal" life now. These ones, we won't lose anything while keeping." The blue one shouted, "Let us go! Please!- W-We don't know what we did wrong!" Someone shouted, "Shut up! You know we have no use for you now. You're unfit for an experiment as large as Operation Mainland. But with this, we can change you. You can prove yourself." 

Someone walked into the room, he had a coat on and a mask on that covered his entire face. He stabbed a needle into the blue one's arm. Guardian squinted, "That's the same needle Apollo has.." The man injected the needle, and the blue one was shaking around. He started screaming in pain, but quickly went limp. "Is he dying?" A familiar voice spoke, "No. T-This is normal.. He'll be back shortly." Phil's face went pale, "Apollo.. Th-That's his voice.." The blue one opened its pitch black eyes, screaming. Another person walked in. He put needles into the brown and orange one, and injected them. The brown one cried out, "I don't wanna turn into a monster!" Miles was focusing on the brown one. "That one's arm.. Its amputated. That one in the cave had a messed up arm too.." It went limp as well, but it shot up faster. Its eyes were a glowing white, and the bandages ripped. A gross fleshy tentacle was growing out of the missing limb. The orange one had turned as well. The tentacle smashed their restraints, all of them, and got out. The tentacle stabilized, and turned into a flesh blade on the brown ones arms. They all jumped at the windows and started cracking the glass. Apollo screamed, "Get out!-" He ran out the room, but the window shattered. The men were attacked. They could hear it, their bones smashing and crunching. 

Arrow stepped back on screen, and looked towards the camera. It jumped at the camera, and the footage went off. Guardian looked at Anne, "Look back further! The experiment was started 2007! Go back to footage as late as that!" Anne nodded, and started doing so. She clicked on September 15th, 2007. The camera was showing four pods, and shapes inside. The masked people were alive here, and speaking. "Here are our four artificial Teletubbies for Operation Mainland." A button was clicked, and the tubes opened. Everyone gasped, as out stepped a silver Teletubby with tanned skin. Phil started stuttering, and was getting closer to the screen. "K-Kone?!-" The three other ones were there. Everyone looked back at Guardian. "I- Only knew about these three.. I had no clue Kone was involved, or that he was artificial!" They continued watching the footage, but halfway through, someone else walked in. "I'm sorry, but these four won't be making the cut. Using artificial Teletubbies for this is dangerous. We need to use naturally born ones.. We already picked out four. Laa-Laa, Po, Dipsy, and Tinky Winky." One of the men shouted, "What?! Are you kidding me? It took us forever to engineer these special ones! And you're telling m-"

The man sighed, "We're allowing you to keep these four. But if anything goes wrong with them and you do any experiments, we're releasing them into the real world, and memory wiping them." Phil looked down, "I-Is that what happened to Kone? Something went wrong and they-" Miles nodded. Phil continued, "He never liked to talk about his past.. He must of did something horrible.." A door opened, and they all looked back. Apollo stepped out. "So now you know. My past, why I regret it so much." Guardian shouted, "You-" Apollo put his hand up, "I know. Hypocritical of me, to rag on you for participating? You don't get it though. That was my revenge. My plan all along, to kill the last remaining humans on earth, who took my sister." Phil paused, and yelled while his eyes teared up, "How could you?!- Eve would be disappointed in you! She loved you! Did you kill her too?" Apollo shook his head, "She died in the infection. I created the serum for it, but I locked it away. I never planned on using it again. I didn't want to, but Noo-Noo took it, and injected it into the custards. Now I know I have to use it to survive. If I'm not in control of them, nobody is, and there's no order." Someone stepped out behind him.. A blue furred Teletubby with dark skin.. Miles and Anne looked at each other, "General Eve.." Apollo laughed manically, "Noo-Noo took her body and threw her in the infected creation machine! Now she's mixed with Newborn DNA. She's a ticking time bomb. When she mutates.. She'll kill me. Luckily her dark side hasn't taken her fully, so she recognizes me. We both agree now, that if we become the darkness together, we'll live on." Apollo pulled his sleeve up, and stabbed a needle into himself, and injected the custard in. 

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