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Finally, they were entering the city. Cars were laying around, some tipped and others crashed into each other. Miles looked around, "There's no bodies.." Guardian sighed, "That's something i've been noticing. Bodies are always disappearing, and it's never good." They heard loud stomping, and they all quickly jumped into an alleyway, hiding. Anne peaked out, and she could see a Berserker Newborn walking throughout the street. "Heads up, Giant Newborn. We don't have ammo either, so we need to be stealthy." Guardian nodded, "I'm used to avoiding these- things already.." They hid in the shadows of the alley while the Berserker passed by, slowly moving. They peaked out again to see it turning a corner. They quickly ran out the corner and following Miles. Guardian caught up to him, "We're heading to the gun store, right?" Miles nodded, "I'll see if I can find gas for you somewhere for the chainsaw. If not, you're getting another weapon." Guardian nodded, and they slowed down, moving deeper into the city. 

However, now they were realizing the destruction of the outbreak. Shattered windows, crashed cars, destroyed stop signs and lamp posts, looted stores. Miles looked to Guardian, "The outbreak started almost a week ago now, right?.. And it seems the world has already gone to shit.." Anne sighed, "When you infect the worlds main food source and sent out armies of monsters that mutate at will, that's bound to happen.. Question is, what happened to the infected? The newborns that should be swarming the city?" Guardian thought, "Maybe they were sent to our location.. Question is, what's sending them there? Instinct? Did Noo-Noo force them to attract to me forever?.." Miles looked up at a store sign, and they walked in. "We're here. Get whatever you need, Ammo, weapons, anything." Phil looked around, and found a tactical knife, with a shiny silver blade, with a greenish handle with a strange pattern. It had a brown leather case for it. He took it, and examined it. "W-Would this be useful?" Miles looked back and nodded, "Sure.. Just be careful with it. Very, careful." 

Miles opened a casing, and pulled out a large black assault rifle. He pulled out lots of ammo for it, and strapped it to his back, plus the casings of ammo, but instead the ammo was against his chest. He grabbed a pistol too, loaded it, and put it in a holster on his side, that he grabbed as well. Anne grabbed a tactical sniper and a black tactical hatchet. She strapped the sniper to her back, and put the hatchet in a holster, just like Miles. Anne pulled a pistol with a scope out, and tossed it to Phil. "You're gonna need it.. We don't know what's in that Teletubby creation facility." He nodded, and held tightly onto his weapons. Guardian came out with a gasoline can. "I guess we were lucky.." He fueled up his chainsaw, and strapped it to his back. He also had a machine pistol, and put it in a holster. Anne started filling a bag with explosives. C4, Grenades, etc. Guardian peeked into the bag. "Wow.. This is just a normal gun shop?" Miles shook his head, "Truth is, this is a military reserved gun store. You need a license to get in here, luckily both us and Anne have one, soo you'll be fine." Anne held the duffel bag, easily. Guardian looked at her, "Do you need help with it?" She shook her head, "I'm used to carrying a lot of equipment.." 

Miles got up, fully ready. He took his mask off though, and held onto it. "So, We all ready?" Everyone nodded, and started walking out the door. There was no Berserker Newborn in sight. Guardian looked to Miles, "So, What's the plan?" Miles made sure everyone was paying attention before speaking, "So, Our plan is to get into the Teletubby creation facility. Luckily I know where that is, and the entrance to it is through the sewers. So we go through there, and I got a feeling Apollo knows where that's where we're heading. He's probably made sure the place is gonna be hell for us to get into, so we won't just walk in, we need to storm the place. This is our only shot at saving everyone. We must destroy that machine." Guardian stood there, and shook his head. "No, We won't destroy it. We're gonna disinfect it, and then we're gonna save the world." Miles stood there, thinking, then nodded. "Yeah.. Yeah we will! We'll use the machine to repopulate the world after we fix it! We won't let our world die." Miles put his hand out into a fist, and smiled at Guardian. Guardian's eyes lit up, and he fist bumped Miles. "For our world.." Everyone chuckled a little, and started following Miles. Finally, they came across a manhole, and one by one, they crawled in.

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