50SOD II: Chapter Fourteen

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    "So...that was intense," Carlos muttered.

    Destiny walked around her bedroom, gathering articles of clothing that she would need for the next day.

    Carlos sat on the corner of the bed with one leg raised and the other foot planted firmly on the floor. "Is he always that...possessive?"

    "Yes," she said curtly, walking around the bed and tossing clothes into her Coach overnight bag. She sighed and raised a hand to her forehead.


    She shook her head and closed her eyes. Then, she covered her face with both hands.

    Carlos stood up and approached her. He wrapped his arms around her from behind. "You need to talk about it," he told her. "I'm not just saying that because I'm a nosey bitch who wants the details, either. For the sake of your mental health, you need to talk about it."

    "I can't." She wanted to. Hell, she even agreed with Carlos. She needed to. But she'd signed a contract stating that she wouldn't. The last thing she needed was to anger Aubrey any further than she already had.

    "Okay," Carlos said, nodding his head slowly. "So...we don't talk about you and Aubrey. We talk about...Tony and Angela."

    Destiny burst out laughing. "Who?"

    "Exactly," Carlos told her, pulling his arms away from her. "Tony and Angela. They met in a bakery. Remember? And then Tony asked Angela out on a date, and he brought a gorgeous dress for her. He took her to...what was it? An opera, wasn't it?"

    She shook her head, laughing. "No, Carlos."

    "The contract says you can't talk about what happens between Aubrey and Destiny," Carlos maintained. "It says nothing about what happens between Tony and Angela."

    She chewed on her bottom lip and watched Carlos dance around the bedroom. He was extremely proud of himself for coming up with this little ploy. She took a deep breath and sat down on the bed, next to her multicolored overnight bag. "Things are a little...tense between Tony and Angela right now."

    Carlos stopped dancing and gave her his full attention. "Why are things tense between Tony and Angela?"

    "I can't go into details," she said slowly. "But Angela may have snooped through some of Tony's things. She may have found a childhood video of his that shows his parents fighting. She may have also found love letters written by him to his ex-fiance. An ex-fiance who cheated on him for a really long time. And she may have accidentally let it slip that she saw these things."

    "And Tony didn't take that well?" Carlos asked with his eyebrows raised.

    She shook her head and stared down at her lap. "He may have taken it very badly."

    "Did you talk to him about it?"

    "I-" she caught herself, then tilted her head at Carlos. "Me? Or Angela?"

    Carlos smacked himself on the forehead. "That wasn't deliberate, I promise. It's hard for me to keep track of this, lo siento. Did Angela have a chance to talk to Tony about it?"

    "A little, but Tony isn't willing to talk about those periods of his life," she said, sadness touching her eyes.

    "That's quite a predicament." Carlos folded his arms across his chest. "Angela should just give Tony some time. I can tell from past conversations, Tony isn't used to opening up to people. Especially considering the type of lifestyle he's involved in."

    She sighed and fell back on the bed, raising a hand to her stomach. "Angela just wants Tony to trust her," she said wistfully, her eyes tearing up. "Every time Angela feels like she and Tony are getting close to being a real couple, it's like...one step forward, two steps back."

    Carlos sat on the bed beside her head and brushed strands of hair back from her face. "Give him time."

    "I'm sorry...this is your first night in town and you spend it counseling me. Or...Angela." She covered her face with her hands again.

    "What are you talking, girl? I've missed counseling you."

    Destiny peeked at him through the crack in her fingers.

    He laughed. "I'm serious. My life was empty without your drama."

    She let her hands fall away. Aubrey's words and suspicions filled her head. "I'm still surprised that you left the States to come visit me here without clearing it with me first. What if I wasn't here anymore? What if I couldn't come get you? What would you have done?"

    "I would have gotten a hotel and hit up the nearest gay club," Carlos said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I would have wreaked havoc on Toronto."

    "You should have told me you were coming," she insisted. "I could have had fun things planned, fun things for us to do."

    Carlos smiled. "I'm sure we'll manage. You've already given me a week's full of entertainment and I haven't been in the building for two hours yet." He glanced around the bedroom. "And I get to stay in this amazing condo? And have it to myself?"

    "I'll be here with you for a lot of the time," she explained, sitting back up and looking down at her overnight bag in disdain. "But I'll be sleeping at Aubrey's."

    "Because he doesn't trust me with you," Carlos said with a cackle.

    Destiny laughed along with him. "Crazy, right? I mean literally crazy."

    "You're pretty and all, but you're missing a very important piece of equipment," Carlos said, running a hand through his hair. "No offense."

    Destiny rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop herself from smiling. "None taken."

    "I don't know everything that happened between the two of you," Carlos told her, "but personally, I find a little bit of jealousy and possessiveness attractive. I think it's the most adorable thing. Even when it makes no sense. Like tonight."

    Destiny turned and zipped up her overnight bag. "At least one of us finds it cute."

    "Come on. You don't find it at least a little bit cute?" Carlos asked, nudging her arm with his elbow.

    "The scene with you earlier?" she laughed again. "I just find it funny. The possessiveness he showed with Brian? Now I found that a little bit cute."

    Intrigue flashed in Carlos's eyes. "Brian? Who's this?"

    Destiny sighed. I should really learn to stop talking.

    Carlos jumped up on the bed on his knees. "Who is Brian, Destiny? You're holding back deets from me?" He turned and looked towards the bedroom door. "I'm going to need popcorn for this. You have popcorn, right? You have to." He leapt off the bed and headed for the bedroom door before she could answer.

    She shook her head. I really, REALLY, need to learn to stop talking.

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