50SOD II: Chapter Fifty-Two

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    Sunday was very similar to Saturday. It started off the same, consisted of Destiny kneeling beside Aubrey while he worked. He continued to tease her mercilessly between work sessions. Ever since her conversation with Carlos, all she could think about what whether or not she and Aubrey had a future together. It was easy for her to kneel quietly with all that she had on her mind.

    She prepared lunch for the two of them, at which point he commented on how preoccupied she seemed. "I'm just thinking about...work. Trying to come up with some kind of magic solution," she had lied.

    "Your original idea of looking into what Palmer has going on was a great suggestion," he told her. "That suggestion is probably the magic solution we need."

    Mindlessly, she continued to stab at her salad with a fork. Her mind was elsewhere to the point where it was difficult to focus on what he was saying to her. She propelled through the lunch conversation entirely on autopilot. Then it was back to kneeling beside him with her hands tied behind her back, feeling utterly useless while he was hammering away at the computer keyboard. Feeling like she would be put to better use if she was actually helping him look over reports, or at the very least researching Harry Palmer and how he spent his personal time. That was the perfect place to start if you were trying to incriminate a politician, since so many of them had vices they'd prefer for the public not to know. Instead, I'm here. Kneeling on the floor. Doing absolutely nothing but drowning in my own doubts.

    As the sun started to sink into the horizon, he stood up from his desk while pinching the bridge of his nose. "This shit is endless," he muttered.

    She continued to kneel quietly, since she didn't have permission to speak.

    He looked down at her. "You've done very well these past few days."

    Keeping her eyes lowered, she maintained her silence.

    "Please stand," he told her.

    She still felt awkward, standing without being able to use her hands for balance. But she managed.

    He moved to stand behind her and gently untied the rope. As he unraveled the rope, he said, "You've probably been wondering why I've been teasing you these past two days. I think you've even been angry with me."

    You would be correct. Once the rope was completely unraveled, she rubbed her wrists and flexed her arms.

    With a warm smile, he extended his hand to her. "Follow me. It will all make sense to you soon."

    She followed him down the stairs, through the living room, and down the hall.

    He entered the bedroom, reached over his head and pulled his t-shirt off. "Lie on the bed," he ordered with his back turned to her.

    Tucking a curly strand of hair behind her ear, she followed his orders. But she didn't take her eyes off of him.

    A pinkish sky was visible through the slits of the partially opened blinds, and that dying sunlight was the only source of light in the room. The dying sunlight was more than enough, as she got an eyeful of rippling muscles. He tossed his t-shirt in the hamper and was slow to remove black sweatpants with his company's trademark gold owl printed near the pocket. As he pulled them down, he raised his eyes and looked right at her.

    One of the character traits that made him simply irresistible was his uncanny ability to emote with his eyes and facial expressions. She didn't know anyone who could do it at the level that he could. She could take one look at his face and know exactly what he was feeling or thinking. Usually. There were times when his expression was completely unreadable, and those instances were a deliberate move on his part. But here? Now? Raw heat emanated from his gaze. He looked at her like he wanted to ravage her. Like he knew that she wanted to ravage him. Like he knew in t-minus three minutes, they were going to go at each other.

    Her engine was already revved. By the end of yesterday, she'd already been ready to tear his clothes off when they finally made it to bed. The only thing keeping her from doing so? A contract. A document with her signature at the end of it. That annoying ass piece of paper that would soon most likely start to haunt her nightmares. Because she would have really liked to tear his clothes off last night. Her fingers had itched to do it. After an entire day of being teased, she'd had to lie next to him. Both of them naked. He had pulled her close to him, had kissed her shoulder. Had teased her some more, with his perfectly sculpted hands. Damn those hands. She shuddered at the thought of the response he'd coaxed out of her with those fingers. As she had predicted, his teasing only lasted a few minutes before he kissed her shoulder and fell asleep. Like...how fucking dare you do that to me and then fall asleep? I know you're a Dominant but other than that, who the hell do you think you are, teasing a woman like that and leaving her unsatisfied?

    Tonight, he stood before the bed with his sweatpants at his feet. Long. Hard. Ready to go. His dark gaze was heated as he strode towards the bed. Swagger cocky. Tall and beautiful and completely nude. He placed one knee on the bed, leaned forward, and hooked his arms around her thighs. Effortlessly, he dragged her down the length of the bed until her ass hung off the edge of it. Then he sank down to the floor, with both of his arms still hooked around her thighs.

    She raised up on her elbows and stared down at him, her eyebrows raised and her lips parted.

    He stared at her for several minutes. During the time he looked at her, the sky grew darker. That was just how long his eyes remained locked on hers. Then he turned his head and he was licking and nipping at the flesh on her inner thigh.

    She caught her bottom lip between her teeth while watching him. It seemed way too soon, but she could already feel arousal building up within her.

    His mouth moved from her inner thigh to the juncture between her thigh and her most sensitive of areas. He flicked his tongue at her.

    That move alone was enough to send her over the edge. A moan ripped out of her and she collapsed down on the bed, covering her face with her hands. She felt his arms lock tighter around her legs as he flicked his tongue again. Then she felt his lips on her lower lips and her entire world was rocked. Her body started to convulse, but his arms stayed around her. She moaned and cried out, lowered her hands from her face and grabbed at the sheets.

    His kisses moved up her stomach, to her breasts, and finally up to her mouth. "Legs around me," he said against her lips.

    She didn't have to be told twice. Her legs clamped around his hips as he pushed inside of her. Stealing her signature move, he sucked on her lower lip. Then his mouth mashed down on hers and he was groaning against her mouth. His thrusts were rough, rougher than usual. She liked it. His groaning and grunting was a lot louder than usual. She liked that, too. When he wasn't kissing her, he was turning his head and squeezing his eyes shut, trying to hold back so he could come with her. They always came together.

    And this time was no different. Only...it was different. Because this time when they came together, it wasn't the typical mind-blowing climax. This time, it was...world-shattering. Life-changing. This time, it was an explosion. Not just an explosion...an explosion upon an explosion. He filled her up and she melted in his arms as he pulled her close to him. Even though they'd just climaxed, he continued to push in and out of her, and that was enough to trigger another orgasm. Still, he continued to push in and out. Still, he reached down and teased her rosebud between his middle finger and thumb. He squeezed it gently, then started to rub it rapidly while pushing his thickness in and out. In and out...

    He pulled back from their kiss and looked her in the eyes as a third orgasm rocked her body. With a lick of his lips, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Whose is it?"

    "Yours, Daddy," she gasped out. "It's all yours."

    He shifted inside of her and moved his head so he could give her a final kiss on the lips. 

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