50SOD II: Chapter Sixty-Three

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    Bridgette sat in the driver seat of her BMW, parked in the driveway of a familiar house. Dropping by for a surprise visit with a familiar man. She flipped down the visor and lifted the cover over the mirror. Dim light filled the front of the car. She reapplied her crimson lipstick, and then freshened up her eyeliner while pressing her lips together. With music playing on her car's high end speakers, she reached up and released her dark hair from its chignon. Her hair fell around her shoulders in long waves.

    She stepped out of the car wearing a long trench coat - it was a coat she kept in her trunk, just in case Toronto weather felt like throwing its citizens a curve ball. Engaging the car alarm, she briskly walked up the length of the driveway and to the walkway leading to the porch of the beautiful, brick two- story home.

    The encounter with Aubrey and Destiny had left her feeling some kind of way. She was woman enough to admit that. She had admired Aubrey for years, before he was widely known to the world as Aubrey - Degrassi years aside. Imagine her disbelief when she scored a job as his administrative assistant, a job that she appreciated with all of her heart. But at the same time, while her job was a gift, it was also most definitely a curse.

    On a daily basis, Aubrey sat mere feet away from her. Close, but distant. Ideal proximity, but he was closed off to her because he had no interest in her. She was certain that he knew she was interested in him. After all, she had made it abundantly clear. He had never accepted her advances, however. For the most part, he completely ignored them. Rejection wasn't something she was accustomed to. If she walked into any establishment and wanted a man, all she had to do was walk up to him and he was hers. She never had to show much effort, so when it came to Aubrey, she had been thrown for a loop when he hadn't flirted back. The effort she had shown always seemed to get messed up somehow, always seemed to backfire. On several occasions, she had tried to make him jealous by describing a few of her dates in detail, sure to mention how attracted the men were to her. Still, nothing.

    He was like a stone wall.

    And then Destiny came along, she thought, her eyes darkening as she flipped up the visor. Destiny, who everyone seems to want to impress. She comes along and the man who I was starting to think was gay, becomes wrapped around her little finger. He goes so far as to flaunt his fucking relationship with her around the office, right under my nose. She stepped up onto the porch, her heels clicking loudly on the cherrywood. He's like...head over heels for her already for Christ's sakes? And why? It's not like she's special. She isn't prettier than me. Bridgette lifted a hand to her cheek. Is she?

    She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. It doesn't matter. They can have each other. I'm tired of waiting around for him when he obviously doesn't want me. But I could definitely use a little ego stroke.

    The door opened and a tall, dark-haired man with blazing blue eyes leaned against the edge of the door. He was shirtless and looked groggy, as if he'd been sleeping. "What are you doing here, Bridgette?"

    "That's not a polite way to greet me, Brian," she said, smiling.

    He frowned down at her, then looked beyond her to where her car was parked. "What is this?"

    She raised a hand to where her trench coat was buttoned. Her eyes remained on him as she slid a few of the buttons through their holes. In under a minute, she had all of the buttons undone and held one of the lapels of the coat open, giving him a nice view of the naked body hidden beneath. "I was just wondering if you could use some company tonight."

    He ran a hand through his hair. "Look, Bridgette..."

    "I know you and I have had our differences after we used to..." She cut herself off and turned her head. "Look...I don't want to be alone tonight, okay? I doubt you want to be alone tonight. So...we should just..." She shrugged and looked back at him.

    He stared at her, his eyes clouded with indecision. Ultimately, he opened the door wider and stepped back, allowing her in.

    Brian was a total hottie, and he had a lot going for him. He had a great personality and was always fun to be around. For some reason, he didn't pull her in quite the way Aubrey did. Maybe that was because Aubrey's ability to resist her made him mysterious to her. Whatever the reason, when she was with Brian, she felt like she was settling. It was strange, since nothing was wrong with Brian. He was even great in bed.

    Aubrey is the man I want, she thought as she followed Brian upstairs. The rooms in his house were dark. She could only see Brian's silhouette as he moved through the dark. He led the way into his bedroom and stood near the bed, turning to face her.

    She stayed near the door as she peeled the trench coat off. Her build was naturally slender. Her breasts were small, and her rear end was modest. Men didn't seem to mind it, with one obvious exception. She let the coat fall to the floor and moved towards Brian.

    It wasn't hard to push Brian's buttons. That is one thing she loved about him. For all of the macho behavior he carried on with at the office, the vulgar jokes, and the charisma that made the other women in the office swoon, he had quite the sensitive side. As a lover, he was attentive. He paid attention to detail, and found enjoyment in pleasing the woman he was with. He took his time.

    She raised up on her tiptoes and kissed him, placing her hands on his chest.

    At first, he wasn't into it. He stood there and let her kiss him, but didn't really return the kiss or move to touch her. But then it was as if a switch in him was flipped. All of a sudden, he was kissing her back and wrapping his arms around her. He was laying her down on the bed and lying down beside her, with his tongue still swirling around hers.

    It confused her. Not only was he returning the affection and doing an excellent job of doing so, he was even more passionate than he had been in past.

    He moved on top of her. They made love and came together once. Then they rolled over so that she was on top. She rode him like he was a stallion. He groaned and grunted like he couldn't get enough, and she loved it. Then she leaned down, still moving her pelvis and still enjoying the feel of him inside of her. She leaned down and kissed along his jawline. And that was when he said the words that made her blood freeze in her veins. His hands were in her hair and he was moving his hips along with hers as he said, "Oh my God. I love you, Destiny."

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