50SOD II Chapter Thirty-Five

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    "Rihanna...the Rihanna?" Destiny asked when she finally found her voice.


    She had known that he and Rihanna had dated. Most of the public had known that. I should have known that was the woman who broke his heart, she thought, pulling her hand back and pushing her food around her plate. But I thought they broke up. I didn't know they ended up back together.

    He watched her quietly. "Does that bother you? That it was her?"

    For some reason, it did bother her. She didn't know why. A woman was a woman was a woman. And that woman had broken his heart. It didn't matter that she happened to be a huge pop sensation. It didn't matter that on more than one occasion, Destiny had found herself dancing or jamming out to that woman's music. "I don't know how I feel about it," she told him, taking a bite of her pasta.

    "It's definitely in the past, so you have nothing to worry about," he assured her.

    "You said that you thought you loved her," she reminded him. "What changed your mind?"

    He ran an index finger around the rim of his wine glass. His eyes slid over to her as he said, "You."

    She sat down her fork, chewing on her food. Trying to keep her heart from exploding with the love that she felt for him.

    "How I feel for you is far beyond anything I felt for her," he went on. He shyly dropped his gaze to the table, unable to maintain eye contact with her. "And that was the other thing that I had to tell you."

    Her heart started hammering in her chest again. She stared at him, feeling tears start at the corners of her eyes.

    He lifted his gaze and the smile he wore faltered a little bit. "I...I love you, Destiny." 

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