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Tahani Amoura

The next morning I woke up and got dressed. I didn't even try to get cute. I figured we weren't doing anything today. I threw some sweats on and one of Kentrell sweaters.

"Trell?" I said knocking on his door. I looked down at my watch seeing it was 10:30. He should be up by now.

I got no answer so I pushed the door open seeing him balled up , up under his covers.

"Baby?" I said shaking him ,but he wasn't waking up. I put my hand to his forehead and he was burning up.

"Trell baby get up." I said panicking. Why the fuck he burning up like this?

"Hm?" He said pulling the cover around him tighter.

"What's wrong?" I said tugging at the covers.

"I'm cold. I don't feel good." He said squeezing his eyes shut.

He looked so innocent and scared. Like a child. It made me feel so bad.

"Baby you gotta get up. I'll run you a bath okay?" I said.

"Okay." He said not being able to stay awake closing his eyes back.

I went in his bathroom which I loved by the way. I dimmed the lights and ran him a bubble bath and made sure to put melatonin epsom salt in it. He more than likely was gone be in the bed all day.

"Okay come on get up." I said pulling the covers off of him seeing the bed was full of sweat. "Poor baby." I said helping him out the bed.

We made it into the bathroom and I sat him down on the toilet. "Do you need help?" I asked.

He nodded his head yes. I took his shirt off and he was visibly shaking.

"I-I'm still cold." He said with his head down. "I know." I said rubbing his back. "Kick your shorts off."

He did as told then was finna pull his boxers down. "I'll step out and let you do that." I said quickly turning my head.

"You gotta help me in the tub anyway. You gone see it regardless." He said pulling his boxers down and I swear I tried not to look ,but I couldn't help it.

"Okay stand up." I said helping him up.

"Why you shaking?" He asked.

Because my knees weak rn ,but I can't tell you that.

"I'm just tryna help you." I said getting him situated in the tub. "Imma go make you some tea and some soup and I'll be back." I said kissing his forehead which made him close his eyes.

"Hurry up I need you ta wash my back." He said.

I went in his room and snatched everything off his bed going to his linen closet where I found new sheets. I put them on his bed changing out his pillow cases also. I found a black blanket and threw it over the bed.

"You okay?" I heard Jason ask as I walked down the stairs quickly.

"Yeah Trell is sick. He has a really bad fever and chills." I said. "Did he go outside after I fell asleep?" I asked.

"I didn't see him out there." He said.

"I need to make him tea and soup. Can you give me the chicken noodle soup out the pantry?" I asked grabbing the 2 different types of teas I bought yesterday. It was a Citrus Mint Tea and Peach Tranquility. I put the two tea bags in the cup cutting on the kettle of water. I then added honey and lemonade to it.

After the water was done boiling I poured it into the cup letting it sit for a minute while I finished his soup. I poured the soup into a bowl and then put everything on a bed tray carrying it back upstairs.

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