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Tahani Amoura
June 20, 2023

"I can see her head just one more big push for me." The doctor said.

"I'm trying. I'm trying. I can't do this." I said in full blown tears.

I was pushing with all of my might and it still wasn't enough. I looked up at Kentrell who was holding my hand.

"You got this mamas. You can do it." Kentrell said kissing my forehead. "I'm right hea."

"Okay." I said nodding taking a deep breath in before I pushed again.

"Okay okay just like that. A LITTLE BIT HARDER AND SHE'S OUT." The doctor exclaimed.

I threw my head back in exhaustion. I was tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. I heard my baby crying. I tried to sit up and couldn't.

"I'm cold." I said shivering. "Trell something wrong , baby something wrong."

"Say come ova hea my wife say it's some wrong. She cold and she sweating bad." Kentrell said moving my hair out of my face touching my forehead.

I felt my head get heavier and heavier. I was seeing black spots.


"Sir we need you to leave the room now! She's losing to much blood. Get a crash cart she's crashing!" I heard the doctor say.

"AMOURA! AMOURA DONT YOU LEAVE ME mane." I heard Kentrell saying ,but I could no longer see him.

That's when I heard the monitor flat line and a warm feeling took over me.

Kentrell Gaulden
I was pacing back and forth in the hallway. One minute she was good and the next minute she can't keep her eyes open.

"Ma she can't leave me." I said pacing back and forth.

"It's gone be okay. As long as you let the doctors do they job and stop trying to go in the room." Sherhonda said rubbing my back.

"I just wanna be wit ha. Ion want ha to think I just left. Ion even know if she could hear me when I was talking to her." I said sniffing.

"Shhhh." Sherhonda said pulling me in for a hug.

Then I felt another pair of arms and another pair of arms . TeeLee , Ken ,and Monique was here. Ammerie was on a flight hea. She finna lose ha shit.

"Ma call her momma and let her know what's going on." I said walking up to the door jiggling the door knob but it was locked.

"Trell come sit down." TeeLee said.

"Ion wanna sit down mane. I'm good." I said sticking my hands in my pocket.

"We here." TeeLee said patting my shoulder.

I just wanted to break down. I wanted to punch some. I wanted to shoot the doctor. We just had a baby mane.

I was about to walk away from the door when it was opened by the doctor.

"Is she okay?" I said trying to walk around him.

He put his hand up in front of me to stop me.

"She lost a lot of blood. She hemorrhaged right after giving birth. We were able to stop the blood and get it under control ,but she still isn't awake. Her skin is paler than normal and she's hooked up to a bunch of machines right now. Just to prepare you. On the other hand you have a beautiful baby girl that was just cleaned up and is ready for you to see." He said.

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