Black Ink, Pale Skin

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Lorelei stayed in the compound, watching over Hayley, as Elijah went to the cemetery in hopes of learning more about his siblings' location. The two sat together in Lorelei's room, both silently remembering the night before and the werewolf men they had met. "Jackson told me about my family," Hayley spoke up, breaking the silence.

"And what did he say?" Lorelei asked half-heartedly, unable to shake that look of anger Elijah had when she exited the planation house wearing Liam's shirt, even though she knew she should not care. "He said that they arranged for me to marry him when I was a baby." Lorelei gave a bitter scoff in response, turning her gaze to Hayley. "Don't do it, love. Marriage is not all it's cracked up to be."

Hayley stared at the original for a moment, studying her expression and the lost look in her eyes. "Wanna talk about it?" she offered. Lorelei sighed, shaking her head. Hayley gave a small nod, letting the subject go. But Lorelei couldn't.

"Elijah had no right to appear angered by me last night," she spoke up, shifting on the bed so that she was facing Hayley. "Because of Liam?" the she-wolf asked, shifting as well so they were facing each other. "Yes. When we were together, he had never been jealous of anyone. And there were plenty who tried to seduce either of us. But we've been separated for over 500 years and now he feels he has the right to be angry with me," the original explained in exasperation.

Lorelei had been alive for a thousand years and she could look at a human and know what was in their heart, but after a few centuries of separation, she found she could no longer decipher her husband's wants and desires. "I used to be able to read him. When we were together, it was almost like we shared a mind at times," she continued, shaking her head to herself. "And now, I look at him and I can't read even the simplest emotions on his face."

Hayley sighed, leaning her head back against the pillow as she stared at the ceiling as if to ask God for the strength to deal with the situation. Lorelei watched, her head tilting sideways, almost bird-like in her movement. She would have found Hayley's reaction amusing if it weren't her own problems causing it.

"Ever think he might be jealous?" Hayley posed suddenly, looking to Lorelei with one eyebrow raised. Lorelei only let out a low, smooth chuckle at the ridiculous suggestion. "Envy may be a deadly sin, but it is not one Elijah has succumbed to in the last thousand years," Lorelei shot down quickly.

Hayley raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. How could she be so blind? "You haven't seen him in 500 years. Besides, before that, he never had a reason to be jealous cause he knew you loved him."

Lorelei stared at the she-wolf as she contemplated those words. She hadn't really thought of it like that before. And true, they had been separated for half a millennium, but Elijah himself said that they didn't change. He said they were the same as always. And she told Hayley as much.

"That's bullshit. Time changes everyone. I've changed in the last few months. Hell, the last few hours with how these damn mood swings are." Lorelei let out a small chuckle at Hayley's complaint. She remembered her own mood swings during her pregnancy. Somehow, Elijah had dealt with them with grace and dignity, loving Lorelei through it all. Some days, she would be too tired to cook, so he would do it, even though he had been out all-day taking care of the village and their families.

Often, she would be in a bad mood – simply for no real reason – and would want him to stay away from her for a while. But as soon as he would say he'd give her the space she requested, she would apologize and beg him to stay by her side. Those moments usually involved very hormonal tears of her part, and a loving smile on his.

He did anything for her in their human lives. And after they became immortals, he still doted on her like she was a queen. And she had been his queen. That was all she wanted to be, and he to be her king. Now, 500 years later, she was having a hard time rectifying the different memories she had of Elijah. He was just too different. Or maybe it was more that he no longer treated her like his queen.

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