Into the Bayou

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The four women went out to the bayou. Rebekah informed Klaus of what she thought was a ridiculous plan. "Well, steer clear of the dead witches for a few. The witch is on a burial mission, your baby mama is on a spirit quest, our sister doesn't have a black heart, and I'm keeping Elijah's promise to keep Hayley safe. So stall, please," Rebekah finished before hanging up the phone as they trudged through the woods. "I don't have a black heart? Since when?" Lorelei asked with a smirk on her lips. Rebekah let out a quick laugh. "Lorelei, love, you have always had a bigger heart. I believe it is because you do not have Mikaelson blood," Rebekah commented.

A thought popped into Lorelei's head. "Bex," she called as she dropped back to walk beside her sister-in-law. "Yes, dear?" she asked begrudgingly. "I've been meaning to ask you since last night. Did you, by chance, mention..." Lorelei trialed off, feeling more nervous than she ever had in her vampire life. "Tell Elijah about you?" Rebekah supplied for her sister. Lorelei nodded, forcing her expression to remain blank. "No. I thought it best he didn't know until he could see you. Perhaps things will be better," Rebekah said, hope in her voice. But Lorelei didn't feel that hope that her sister felt. "You know what he promised the last time we spoke. And your brother always keeps his word," Lorelei said before she moved forward to keep closer to Hayley.

"So, tell us more about the Harvest," Lorelei called back to Sophie as they walked. "Klaus said to wait," Sophie replied. "Yes. He also said to stay out of the bayou, and yet here we are amongst the crawly, buzzy creatures," Rebekah snapped impatiently. She had never connected to her witch heritage or powers. Lorelei had and she knew what a witch who drew from the elements would feel in this place. She ached for it. She wanted to feel the power of nature pulsing through her body and soul. But she never could.

"We're here," Hayley grumbled as the women paused, looking into a small clearing to see the shredded bodies of witches. Insects buzzed around the decaying corpses. Sophie pulled off her backpack and started rifling through it. "Whoa," Hayley called out, stepping into the middle of the bodies. Lorelei took a step forward to see rather large paw prints in the dirt near the bodies. She glanced around and saw a tree with large claw marks that cut through the bark, revealing the red wood underneath. It looked as if the tree was bleeding. "Is that a wolf track?" Sophie asked, staring at the prints in confusion as a twig snapped somewhere. "Who's there?" Rebekah called out just before a tall, thin, sickly looking vampire stepped into the clearing. "What the hell?" the man called, fear in his voice. "An Original?" the man said in fear before he turned and ran.

Rebekah was on the phone with her brother again while Hayley watched Sophie and Lorelei consecrate the bodies. "Yes, and now that we've established that I am a failure as a sister, and a friend, and an Original, you should probably know he's on his way to Marcel right now to rat me out," Rebekah told her brother. "Skinny guy in a hurry. Looks like he saw a ghost?" Rebekah said, describing the vampire to her brother. "I'm on my way," Rebekah said before hanging up and slapping a bug on her arm. "You're leaving?" Hayley asked in confusion. "Yes. I have to keep Marcel from finding out about you and your miracle baby. But don't worry, Lorelei will stay and keep you company," Rebekah said before she disappeared.

As Lorelei and Sophie finished with the ritual, Hayley watched the Original with curiosity. She had been a witch? How? She thought witches couldn't become vampires. But, apparently, that wasn't true. She wondered what it must have been like to be so connected to something and then suddenly lose it. Perhaps it was like losing a child. Hayley gently touched her stomach, wanting to feel the baby's heartbeat. Lorelei and any other vampire could hear it – even Hayley could. But she wanted to feel it. She wanted to touch her stomach and feel the steady rhythm against her palm.

Elijah finished repairing the fiddle and held it out for Davina to take. They had been talking all day about Davina's life and what had happened with the Harvest ritual. "You may return this now to its rightful owner. It's restored," Elijah told the girl with a small smile. Davina hesitated before taking the fiddle gently in her hands. She was afraid it would crack if she touched it. Everything she touched seem to crack and shatter anymore. She thought of Tim as she held the fiddle and her heart was overcome with sadness. "I don't even know if I'll see him again," Davina told the Original as the room started to shake violently, but the two never stumbled. The shutters slammed open, letting in the natural light. As Davina became aware of herself, the shaking faded and everything stilled.

"Davina, this power that you contain, drawn from your fallen friends, it's too much for you," Elijah told her sympathetically. "You need control. Which requires study and practice," he said before pausing. He had Davina's full attention. "My mother was a very powerful witch. She left behind her grimoires, a legacy of books filled with spells. These books contain all of the tools that you might need to control your magic," Elijah told her. He felt a twinge of guilt at his next words. He felt as if he was manipulating the poor girl. "If you free me from here, I can share them with you. However, if you leave now with Marcel, we'll never see each other again, and I cannot find you, and I can't help you," Elijah told her softly.

"The witches manipulated me. You know how that ended," Davina snapped at him. "This is not manipulation. This is one thing in exchange for another. I'm offering you a deal," he told her, a ghost of a smile on his lips. Davina thought of this for a moment. "What about your sister?" Davina asked, causing Elijah to look at her in confusion. "My sister?" he asked her, wondering if he heard her correctly. "Yes. She's... she's different than the rest of you. She's an old one, but she's kind to me. What about her grimoires?" Davina asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Her grimoires? Rebekah was never a witch, Davina," Elijah said in confusion. How had the child gotten that idea? "I wasn't talking about Rebekah. I meant Lorelei."

Elijah froze, standing stiffly at that name. "Lorelei," he repeated, trying to shake off the effect that name had on him. It had been centuries since he heard her name. "How do you know Lorelei?" he asked the young witch. "I met her the other day. She helped me with Tim," Davina said, confusion written on her features. Did Elijah not know Lorelei was here? "She's here? In New Orleans?" Elijah asked, shock in his eyes, but not on his face. "Yeah. How do you not know your own sister is in town?" Davina asked him, shaking her head. "Davina, Lorelei is not my sister," Elijah told her simply. "Then what is she?" Davina asked, uncrossing her arms. Elijah sighed. "She's my wife."

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