By Water and Fire, the Good Die Young

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Thunder began to rumble, the sky dark with clouds that forebode the rain to come. The originals had gathered once more in the library of the compound. "It's taken a thousand years but you've finally gone mad," Rebekah growled from where she sat on the couch with Klaus. Lorelei hovered on the arm of said couch as Elijah stood before them with sleeves rolled up and hands on his hips.

"Our own mother?" Rebekah repeated as if to emphasize her point. "Yes, our beloved mother, who Niklaus has affectionately placed in a coffin in his basement, not daggered but quite dead," Elijah confirmed. The only reason he was suggesting this was because consecrating Esther's remains was the only way to complete the Harvest. Consecrating Celeste hadn't worked, and now they were out of options.

"Well, she did try to kill us all," Klaus said innocently. "Well, I say we put her to use and put her to rest once and for all," Elijah reiterated. "Now if we bury our mother on land owned by one of her descendants, she becomes and New Orleans witch, and we as her family share in that ancestral magic." Rebekah continued to stare at him as if he had completely lost his mind.

"We're vampires, Elijah. We can't practice magic, or own property for that matter," she reminded him needlessly. "Yes. With regards to practicing magic..." he paused. Lorelei could feel Klaus looking to her with scrutinizing eyes. Though he knew she could sense Davina's magic, he did not know that she had been able to do the occasional tiny spell with great effort.

"That's where Sophie Devereaux comes into play. She will channel us to use our mother's magic. However, that means we must participate in the Harvest," Elijah explained. It was Lorelei's turn to look at him as if he were crazy. "What are we supposed to do, take turns slitting Davina's throat?" she asked in utter disgust. "No, we simply need to be present," he assured her.

"And as for owning property," he paused, turning to a tall, slim chest of drawers, opening the top one and retrieving a piece of paper. "Not all of our mother's descendants are dead." Klaus perked up at this in concern. "The baby," he guessed, voice soft with understanding. "The baby. The parish tax assessor's office is just steps outside of the Quarter. Hayley now holds the title to the plantation," Elijah explained, holding the deed to the property out for his siblings to examine. "So if we bury our mother there, and we consecrate those grounds, we can finish the Harvest ritual."

Rebekah looked utterly displeased with the plan. Klaus had a wicked grin on his lips. "You're a bit of a mad genius, Elijah," he complimented. Lorelei, however, could not help but feel that same disconnect she had felt since her arrival in New Orleans. Though she was a part of the Mikaelson family in name, it was only that – a name. She did not belong with them. Hayley, a one-night stand turned baby mums was more a part of the family than she was. And though she loved the she-wolf, she could not help but feel a bitterness at being the odd one out.

"Count me in," Klaus said, jumping to his feet. "Am I the only one thinking?" Rebekah called to her brothers. "Our mother was the most powerful witch in history. If we bury her, we hand that power over to our enemies to use against use," she reminded them harshly. "Given our circumstances, I hardly see that we have a choice, Rebekah," Elijah scolded softly.

"I don't know why I bother. You two will just do what you want anyway," she grumbled. "No. Our decision must be unanimous," Elijah insisted. "This is not a democracy," Klaus snapped in annoyance before Elijah held up a finger to silence him. "You're quite right. This is family. The four of us must agree." Elijah's statement shocked the room into silence for a moment as the three siblings turned their collective gazes onto Lorelei, who just stared speechless at the inclusion.

"Lorelei shares no blood relation to our mother," Klaus protested, gesturing towards her while turning his gaze onto his brother. "She is a part of this family, nevertheless. She has returned and has chosen to stay; therefore, she has a voice here," Elijah barked, quick to defend his wife. Klaus raised an eyebrow at his brother, noting the protective tone.

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