... And Painful Nightmares

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Night had fallen as Lorelei remained where she was on the bed, Elijah's head resting on her lap as Hayley sat and watched. Even though Lorelei tried to hide her love, she knew that if Hayley hadn't noticed it before, she definitely did now. "Celeste... forgive me. I'm sorry," Elijah whispered before another hallucination pulled Lorelei in.

"Brother, please," Elijah called out. He was marching through a field of tall grass towards his brother and a group of men gathered near a carriage, a pile of bodies not too far away. "This is high folly," he said as he approached Klaus. "Is it not enough that you have slaughtered dozens in just these past several weeks?" he asked, looking back to the three men Klaus had killed in duels. Klaus began to speak, but Elijah wouldn't let him.

"Word of a city littered with bodies will surely travel the oceans. Do you want to bring our father upon us?" Elijah warned, keeping his voice low so the humans nearby wouldn't hear. "Relax, brother. I've sent rumor that the bodies are a result of the witches seeking blood sacrifice for their rituals," Klaus informed him with a proud smirk. "You did what?" The fear in Elijah's eyes was very real.

"Have you forgotten Celeste is one of those that you so recklessly pointed your finger at?" Klaus' brows knitted in confusion. "Who's Celeste?" he asked, just moments before realization dawned on him. "Oh, yes, the witch you've been knocking around with. Well, fear not. Harlots are like rats in the Quarter. You trip over one every step you take," Klaus said, not noticing at first the distraught on Elijah's face as he stepped back from his brother and moved to the gathered men.

Elijah quickly drew a pistol from one, turning and shooting Klaus. The hybrid brother groaned in pain, doubled over for a moment as the humans began to hurry away. Klaus stood straight, touching the tender wound in his ribs before looking at the blood on his fingers. "You care about her. You haven't done that since Lorelei," Klaus growled, poking at his brother's wife. "Don't you dare speak her name!" Elijah barked. Lorelei couldn't tell if it was more of anger or sadness that he snapped because of her, but she hurt for him either way. "Well, that is unfortunate. I hear they're rounding up the town's witches as we speak." Elijah turned from his brother, rushing back to town.

That image of rage changed to another of distraught. Elijah stared at his brother, lounging back in the bed as Lorelei clutched the covers to her chest, tears already in her eyes. Elijah's face was broken as the three of them waited for another to speak first. "Elijah," Lorelei finally whispered, unable to stand the silence anymore. "Get out," he mumbled, pain and shock mixing.

"Elijah, please. I'm so sorry. I don't –" she tried to explain. But he cut her off. "How could you?" The pain in his voice only brought tears rushing faster to her eyes. "Please, my love, I'm so sorry," Lorelei begged, but he couldn't hear it. "Leave now, and don't ever come back." Elijah's eyes locked with hers, a darkness there that she had never seen before.

"I promise you this, if I ever see you again, I will rip your heart from your chest as you have done to me this night." Lorelei opened her mouth to try and speak, but her words were swallowed by tears. "Get out! NOW!" Elijah slammed his hand against the door to their chambers. In a flash, Lorelei was gone, leaving Klaus alone in the bed that was not his own.

"A little harsh, don't you think?" Klaus spoke up as if the past few moments meant nothing. Elijah's cold gaze locked on his brother as rage coursed through him. "My wife? Of all the women in Venice, you chose my wife?" Elijah shouted, his voice carrying through the large mansion the family occupied. "You asked me to find out her troubles, make her feel better," Klaus continued nonchalantly. "I asked you to speak with her, not seduce her!" Elijah shouted before his rage was too much to contain. He grabbed the object nearest to him, a large bejeweled egg, and tossed it so hard that it flew through the wall and into the next room. "I will never, never forgive you for this," Elijah growled, pointing a finger at his brother.

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