Magical Midnight Swim

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Once down by the pool, Lorelei sat next to Hayley at the pool's edge as Rebekah assisted Sophie in mixing whatever potion she was concocting. Elijah watched, pacing as his notorious patience finally ran thin. Pressing the back of her hand to Hayley's cheek, Lorelei shook her head. "She's burning up. We need to do this now," she called to the gathered group.

Elijah nodded, quickly shucking off his suit jacket. "Get her in the water," Sophie called out as Elijah moved to Hayley's side before jumping into the water. Lorelei took the blanket from the she-wolf as Elijah shifted in front of her, reaching forward. Hayley moved sluggishly as she reached for Elijah. "I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help," Rebekah quipped at the witch as Lorelei stayed kneeling at the edge of the pool.

"Her temperature is sky high, and the water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down," Sophie explained, dumping the mixture into a cup. Lorelei stood, shifting to Sophie with her hand out expectantly. Sophie didn't even try to protest, simply handing over the herbs. Lorelei was quick in kicking off her shoes before climbing down the steps that led into the pool.

"Drink this, love," Lorelei spoke softly, handing the cup over. Hayley was quick to down the contents. "You're gonna have to get her heart rate down," Sophie called out. "And how do you suggest we do that?" Elijah asked her quickly. "Hold her," Lorelei spoke. Elijah's gaze met hers in slight confusion. They both knew that he cared for Hayley. She was family, after all. But for some strange reason, the idea that Lorelei might think he cared for her in another way made him uneasy.

"It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure. Now, do it." Lorelei's words were borderline begging. As Elijah looked to his wife one more time, he knew that she cared for Hayley in the same way he did. He knew that if Hayley lost this baby, though it wasn't her fault, Lorelei wouldn't be able to forgive herself. So, without question, he did as his wife instructed, shifting Hayley to hold her in the water.

"This is never gonna work," Rebekah called out pessimistically as Lorelei took the cup from Hayley so she could hold onto Elijah, who walked further into the pool. "Davina will break that link. We just need time," Elijah called to his sister as Hayley began to panic. "Oh, I can't breathe," she gasped, hand pressed to her chest. "It's all right. Take long, deep breaths," Lorelei called out, moving further into the pool so that she may be beside Hayley and taking the she-wolf's hand in a comforting manner.

"Hayley, look at me." The she-wolf did, squeezing Lorelei's hand as she spoke. "Long, deep breaths. Just focus on the sound of my voice," Lorelei spoke soothingly. "Lower in the water," she ordered Elijah, her voice still calm as she spoke. "You'll be okay. You'll be okay. Both you and your little girl will be okay," Lorelei soothed, releasing the cup into the pool water as she pressed a hand to the top of Hayley's head and smoothed down the hair that wasn't beneath the water.

Hayley closed her eyes, trying her best to focus on Lorelei's calm words and confident meaning. The original truly believed that she and her baby would get through this. Knowing her story, Hayley felt she had to believe Lorelei.

The grandfather clock in the house began to chime loudly, Hayley convulsing in pain. But her screams were drowned out of Lorelei's ears as a burst of magic flooded through her. Her head began to pound with the feeling, her body swaying in the water. Elijah watched his wife's sudden dizziness with concern. "Lorelei," he called to her. She didn't respond, swaying harder.

He watched as she pushed away from them, stumbling through the water to the nearest wall. Her fingers barely caught the edge as she fell forward, head submerging under the water. "Lorelei!" Elijah couldn't contain his concern for her even as he held Hayley, still screaming and convulsing in his arms. He was torn between them, knowing Hayley was in more need at the moment, but also fearing for his wife. She pushed through, however, managing to pull herself fully to the edge of the pool and get her head above the water.

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