Marcel's Masquerade

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Lorelei left the parlor where Klaus and Rebekah had just coerced Sophie into doing a locater spell even though they all knew the witch Davina could sense magic done in the Quarter. But they had a plan to have Sophie's spell be shadowed by Katie's magic. Lorelei sighed to herself as she made her way up the grand staircase. She didn't believe Katie deserved to die because she loved a vampire. But she also couldn't argue that this might be the only chance they had to get Elijah back. And Lorelei would sacrifice anything for the oldest Mikaelson.

"Hey," Hayley called from down the hall as Lorelei reached the large door to her room. She stopped and turned to face the pregnant werewolf with a small, tired smile. "You know, we haven't been able to talk much," Hayley started, sounding almost nervous. But she could cover it up well. "No, we haven't," Lorelei replied, her small smile widening slightly. She knew absolutely nothing about this girl, yet she already sensed that she liked her. "What would you like to talk about?" Lorelei asked, moving over to Hayley and leaning against the door jam. "I wanted to know what happened? Why hasn't anyone heard about you?" Hayley asked, treading lightly around the question she really wanted to ask.

"You mean, what happened to me and Elijah, right?" Lorelei asked, a smile on her lips even though Hayley could sense it was fake. But Hayley nodded, her curiosity getting the better of her. "It's a long story. And I have to get ready for a party," Lorelei said with a soft sigh. "Can you tell me the short version?" Hayley asked, trying not to push her luck. But she felt connected with Lorelei. Maybe it was because they were both outsiders. Lorelei seemed to have been dismissed from the family tree and Hayley was nothing more than an incubator. "A couple bottles of scotch and one very bad decision," Lorelei replied. Hayley heard the pain in her voice and saw the regret in her eyes. But Lorelei was quick to shake it off and flash a pretty smile. "I have to get ready. We can talk more later," Lorelei promised, taking Hayley's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze before turning back to her room to get ready for Marcel's party.

The party was in full swing when the Originals arrived. Rebekah and Klaus had their arms linked but Lorelei walked apart from them. She looked around at the dark decorations and the scantily-clad dancers on platforms or hanging from long satin drapes. It reminded Lorelei of her life back in Paris. She had told the head of her dance company that she would be gone indefinitely and to not wait for her return. She had mentioned having some family problems and received an email sending the company's regards and hopes for a speedy return. Confetti fell from above as one woman danced with a large, yellow python draped over her shoulders.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lorelei saw Klaus extend his arm out to her. Lorelei saw that arm as Klaus extending the olive branch of peace. She sighed and took his arm, accepting the olive branch for tonight, at least. "Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, I must say," Klaus told the two girls on his arms as he looked around. But his sinister smile dropped when his eyes landed on a blonde woman dressed as an angel. She was a beautiful woman – a human. "What's she doing here?" Klaus grumbled. "What better way to distract Marcel then to put his very human new girl in a room chock full of vampires?" Rebekah said with a sly smile before she grabbed Lorelei's arm and pulled her towards the blonde human.

"Hello, Darling. You look precious," Rebekah greeted, taking the blonde's hands as she smiled. "Thanks," the blonde said before her eyes landed on Lorelei. "Hey, I'm Cami," the blonde introduced herself to Lorelei. "Lorelei," the Original greeted, shaking the very human woman's hand. "This party is ridiculous, but I think I'm a little over the top with this dress," Cami said, running her hands down the snowy fabric. Cami looked up and her eyes locked on someone behind the two Originals. "Is he the infamous on-again/off-again?" Cami asked, nodding her head at Klaus as he came to stand between the two women. "He's the brother, actually, and my sister is right. You do look stunning." Klaus complimented her. "You clean up pretty well yourself," Cami replied, smiling widely. "Well, don't be fooled, love. I'm the Devil in disguise," he teased her. "Don't we know it," Lorelei muttered under her breath, fighting to keep her smile in place. "You two chit-chat. We need booze," Rebekah said before pulling Lorelei away.

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