Bad Bayou Baby Doctor

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Lorelei made it to the doctor's office in the bayou only a minute before Klaus. Rebekah was waiting for them, looking around, her eyes cast down onto the unconscious doctor lying on the floor. "Well, you abandoned your quest for power to help out your family," Rebekah snapped at her brother as Lorelei leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. "Having an off day?" Rebekah asked her brother. "Who took her, Rebekah?" Klaus asked rather impatiently. "I don't know," Rebekah snapped in reply. "What do you mean you don't know? Then who killed her attackers?" Klaus asked, stepping towards his sister. "I don't know. I had an arrow in my heart. If it wasn't Hayley who killed them, then –"

A howl cut off Rebekah's reply as the three originals glanced towards the window. Lorelei glanced over at Rebekah. "Lovely. Perhaps her cousins will know where she is," Rebekah snapped, not too pleased with the idea of confronting werewolves. Lorelei sighed and turned, leaving the two siblings to stand in the office as she moved outside. The humid night air made a few strands of hair stick to the nape of her neck. If she were human, it would have annoyed her.

A second later, Hayley stepped forward, covered in dirt and blood. "Hayley, what happened?" Lorelei asked, worry written on her elegant features as the door opened and closed behind her, alerting her to the other originals' presence. "Tell me what happened," Klaus ordered as Lorelei took Hayley's face in her hands and examined her. The young she-wolf looked a little dazed. "I can't remember," Hayley said as Lorelei checked the rest of her over quickly. "You've completely healed," Lorelei said in confusion, her perfect brows knitting together. "There's not a scratch on her," Lorelei added, looking back at her brother-in-law for some sort of explanation.

"One of the perks of being a werewolf, remember?" Hayley asked, sounding annoyed and tired. "No. Not that fast," Klaus said, shaking his head as he stepped forward and attempted to examine Hayley himself. "Leave her alone, Niklaus," Lorelei snapped, stepping between the two of them. Rebekah moved around Lorelei and draped her arm over Hayley's shoulder. "It's the baby," she said as she led Hayley back towards the building. "The vampire blood, Klaus' blood in your system. It can heal any wound," Rebekah said as she and Hayley sat on the porch together. "Your own child healed you," Lorelei muttered sadly.

"How did you escape? You were outnumbered, unarmed. Those men were ripped to shreds," Rebekah asked the she-wolf softly. Hayley glanced down at her hands, thinking for a moment. Then she lifted her gaze to look at Klaus. "I think it was the wolf," Hayley said vaguely. "I think it's trying to protect me." Klaus stepped forward, anger on his face. "The witches were supposed to protect you. When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux –" Klaus said only for Hayley to interrupt him. "It wasn't Sophie. It was Agnes," Hayley snapped, correcting the hybrid. "Fine. Agnes. Sophie. It's all the same to me. I'll slaughter the lot of them," Klaus snapped.

"Not if Elijah gets there first," Rebekah said, making Lorelei's heart clench and her eyes widen slightly. "Elijah? Did you find him?" Lorelei asked, taking a small step forward. "He's been in touch, and he has a plan. All he asked it that we take care of you," Rebekah said, turning her gaze on Hayley. The she-wolf smiled softly before glancing down at her hands, pushing the smile away. "Hey. So can we go home now?" Hayley asked the group of originals. "Of course, love," Lorelei said before helping Hayley to her feet and walking her towards a truck that had been left behind. "I'd really like to sleep for a few days," Hayley said before she stumbled. Lorelei caught her and Klaus stepped forward, lifting the young woman into his arms. "I've got you, love. I've got you," Klaus told Hayley softly as he turned and started walking away. Lorelei and Rebekah walked along with him, heading for the plantation house they now called home.

Once Klaus put Hayley to bed, Lorelei found herself back in Elijah's room, his journals lining the bookshelf. She wandered over to it and brushed her fingers across the bound leather. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind, feeling the dormant magic inside of her aching to burst forward. It had taken her 500 years just to truly feel this small bit of magic left inside of her. She focused, closing her eyes tightly as she took a deep breath. Summoning all of that dormant strength, she focused it on finding the right journal. She could feel herself being drained as she heard the soft brushing of leather against wood.

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