An Impossible Choice

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Elijah was on his little tour with Sabine. "So this next part of town is one of the few areas where any of the original French architecture remains. Most of the buildings were destroyed in the 1700s, when the city burned for the first time," she went on, the two pausing in the street. She glanced over, noticing how Elijah had hung his head, eyes distracted. "Am I putting you to sleep?" she asked him.

"As surprising as you might find this, it's not every day that someone asks you to betray your own brother... Celeste." Elijah hissed the name, earning a quick glimmer of surprise in her eyes. He had guessed the truth and Celeste couldn't help but smirk in pride. "How did you know?" she asked him. "As Davina was drawing your likeness... I dared to imagine that your presence was near," Elijah started, slowly circling the witch.

"And when Sophie discovered that there was no magic in your remains, I wondered... could you have possibly cheated death by using by using your power to place your essence into the body of another? And if so, then who?" Elijah pondered. All of this was a strong attempt to keep his feelings for her suppressed. Yes, a part of him still loved Celeste. It would always love Celeste. She was the reason he had been able to heal from losing Lorelei. He had believed she was dead, and now she was here, standing in front of him with nefarious purposes.

"And then I recalled the lovely Sabine. Your visions of my brother's child precipitated the death of the last elder within your coven... ensuring that the Harvest Ritual could not be completed unless you were to control it," he told her, finally stopping his circling to stand before her. "You have been playing a very long game indeed. To what end?" he asked.

Celeste saw the pain in his eyes, but she chose to ignore it. She hated his family, and any love she had once felt for him was long gone – though, it had always been tainted by the memory of his precious wife, Lorelei. Knowing of her arrival in New Orleans, it made her plan all the more sweet. Celeste stepped close to him, knowing he would let her. For a moment, their lips just brushed together, before she kissed him deeply.

Pulling back, she felt the wickedness surge in her gut. "Oh, Elijah... my lost love..." she mused before stepping back. "After all this time... don't you understand?" she asked him as she saw her magic take effect. Elijah started to look uncomfortable before his breaths came shorter than before. "I died because of Klaus," she told him as he blinked at the magic that affected his mind. "And even after all his vindictive lies about witches led to my death, you stood by him all because of your vow, 'forever and always'." Celeste spit the words at him, letting her true rage show.

"What have you done to me?" he asked through the haze of magic. "It's a simple enchantment. You needn't worry. I'm not here to kill you, Elijah. I'm here to teach you the error of your ways. 'Always and forever' was the greatest mistake of your life." With that, all of the strength was zapped from Elijah and he collapsed to the ground, catching himself just in time to stop from hitting his head on the pavement.

"You poisoned me with a kiss," Elijah realized as he stared up at her. "Uh! At least you haven't lost your sense of irony," he said with a weak chuckle. "We may have time for more," Celeste teased lightly. "But first, I'm going to cure you of your greatest flaw – this absurd devotion to your lunatic family," she said, her true feelings coming through once more.

"Your anger is with me. Now, if you have come here seeking revenge..." Elijah trailed off, weaker than he thought. "Oh, I'll have my revenge, starting with Klaus. He is gonna know pain and torment like he's never felt before... unless you choose to save him, of course," she offered up that hope. "But then that leaves Rebekah, your tragic sister. She's about to find herself in quite the predicament. You could save her. But then that leaves Hayley in jeopardy," Celeste said with a false pout.

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