Icy Hearts Do Melt

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Rebekah and Lorelei walked back into the courtyard of the compound, Lorelei carrying Davina in her arms. The poor girl had cried herself to sleep. Lorelei held her close, watching as Marcel rushed forward, Elijah waiting tentatively a few feet away. "Is she okay?" Marcel asked hurriedly, eyes locked on the young witch. "She's devastated and exhausted," Rebekah explained as Klaus appeared near his brother, watching.

"Where's her room?" Lorelei asked, ignoring Elijah's gaze on her. "No. I got her," Marcel said, reaching forward but not taking the girl away. Lorelei's hard gaze met his. "Where is her room?" she asked again, not bothering to hide her contempt anymore. "I got her," Marcel tried to reassure her, but Lorelei didn't buy it. "Obviously, you don't. And if I have to ask you again, I don't care what happens to me, I will rip your bleeding heart out. Now, where is her room?" Lorelei put all the ice and venom she could muster into her words. Marcel's expression darkened with disappointment and regret, but finally dropped his arms and stepped back to lead Lorelei up to Davina's room.

Once in the sparsely decorated room, Lorelei laid Davina on the bed, brushed her hair back from her face, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She was very much aware of Marcel's presence, only feet behind her. Even as a second presence appeared in the doorway, she never looked up from it.

Though Lorelei's magic was long gone, and their traditions vastly different, she felt the need to mutter a small spell in Davina's ear. A tiny surge of magic fluttered through her like butterfly wings as she whispered the spell to ward off bad dreams. No one could feel it, not even Davina. But that tiny piece of magic brought a tiredness to Lorelei that made her very bones ache.

Sighing, she stood and turned towards Marcel. "She'll never trust me again," he muttered, eyes locked on the sleeping witch. The hopelessness in his eyes made the ice in Lorelei's heart melt. "She's in pain. Give her times," Lorelei offered him before turning towards the door, ignoring Elijah as he stood in the doorway. "What makes you so sure?"

Lorelei paused at Marcel's words, just feet from the door – and her husband – to look back at him. "I'm not sure of anything, Marcel, but I know how powerful hope can be," she offered to him, a ghost of a smile passing over her lips. "You must never surrender the fight to reclaim that trust," Elijah spoke from behind her. Just the sound of his voice made her mask slip back into place. With that, she turned and left the room, careful not to brush against Elijah as she made her swift exit.

Elijah had waited outside Lorelei's room after taking Davina's drawing to the library. He waited as he heard the shower turn on and off, and then the rustling of clothing and boxes. His knuckles rapt against the wooden door before he could truly process it. The sigh from the other side of the door was one of exhaustion and frustration. A few things were shuffled around the room before the door was pulled open.

Lorelei stood there, staring at her husband in confusion. Elijah was very aware of the fact that she only wore undergarments, fighting to keep his eyes locked on her face. "I came to offer my assistance. I'm sure you have quite a few things to unpack still, given how... eventful the day has been," he lied smoothly. Lorelei held in a sigh as she turned her back to him and pushed further into the room, leaving the door wide open. "I prefer to get settled in myself, thank you," she told him, her voice filled with passive aggressive tones.

Elijah stood in the doorway for a moment, watching as she dug through a large suitcase. "Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to continue berating me as you did earlier this evening?" She turned her body towards him once more, holding a nightgown in hand. Her eyes never left his as she pulled the thin piece of lavender silk over her head.

"I never meant to berate you," he responded, keeping his voice soft. "You accused me of being false in my actions," she reminded him, arms crossed over her chest. "I accused you of being cold towards me. An accusation, I might add, that has some merit since the only two conversations we've had upon your return have been hostile on your part."

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