Safe Returns and Heart Break

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Finally, the witch and Original were finished with the dead and they started back towards Sophie's truck. As they walked and night fell, Lorelei was hit by a wave of magic. She gasped, stumbling as she reached out and caught herself against a tree. "Lorelei?" Hayley called in confusion and concern. The Original said nothing as the intense power continued to surge through her. It felt primal, emotional – like it was uncontrollable. "Lorelei, what's wrong?" Sophie asked, stepping forward. She reached up to touch Lorelei, but the Original swatted her hand away as the magic subsided and Lorelei felt herself again. "It was nothing. Let's not dilly-dally," she said, forcing a smile as she continued on at a hurried, human pace. Hayley and Sophie exchanged a confused glance, but neither of them asked about what had happened to the Original.

The three women reached Sophie's truck, the darkness of night upon them. "Those people, all this because of a vision about my baby you don't think is true," Hayley said, confusion knitting her brows together. "Look," Sophie started as she opened up the hatch on the canopy of her truck, tossing her backpack inside. "I love Sabine, but she's the witch equivalent of a drama queen. I've learned to take little stock in whatever she says or sees. Just kind of wish she'd kept her mouth shut," Sophie explained. "The Harvest ritual," Lorelei started. The she-wolf and witch turned their gazes on the original. "You said you did not believe in it. Yet here we are. Were you right?" Lorelei asked. Sophie shook her head. "No. I saw it with my own eyes. It was working. It was real," Sophie explained sadly. "So how can you be so sure Sabine's vision isn't?" Hayley asked, fear in her voice. Sophie didn't reply as she closed the canopy hatch and moved to the driver's side door.

When the Original and she-wolf returned to the plantation house, Rebekah was waiting impatiently. "I don't care if we have to get you a leash. That was your last trip to the bayou," Rebekah said as she poured herself a glass of scotch. "What is it with you and those wolves, anyway?" she asked as she poured another glass of scotch for Lorelei. "I feel like we're connected somehow. I don't know," Hayley said with a scoff as Lorelei took a sip from her glass. "Maybe it's just some pipe dream that I have of finding any real family out there. But sometimes when I feel like it's me against the world, it keeps me going," Hayley explained as Rebekah poured another glass of scotch and held it out to Hayley. The she-wolf gave the blonde a skeptical look. "Oh, right," Rebekah said before downing that glass.

"Well, if you ask me, family is a pain in the behind," Rebekah started. "And as for being in it alone, how dare you? I don't ruin a perfectly fabulous pair of boots traipsing through the bayou for just anyone," she added, gesturing towards the back door where she had left the boots in question. Hayley smiled at that as Rebekah tossed back her second glass of scotch. "I agree with my dear sister. You are not in this alone and you never will be again," Lorelei added with a smile. Rebekah poured herself another glass. Lorelei held out her own glass and Rebekah topped it off, about to speak again when the front door opened, making them all close their mouths.

"Nik, finally," Rebekah groaned as the three women headed for the front door. "What –" Rebekah cut herself off when she saw someone else walk into the plantation home behind her brother. She rushed forward and hugged her eldest brother tightly. "Oh, Elijah..." Rebekah greeted her brother with relief in her voice. Lorelei watched the touching moment, her eyes locked on the smile on Elijah's lips. Lorelei smiled somberly. Elijah's smile was something she had missed dearly and had never thought she would see again. Hell, she had thought she would never see him again.

Lorelei glanced down at her glass of scotch, suddenly not wanting it any more. With a sad sigh, she left the foyer and headed to the back of the house where the pool was. As she left, Elijah continued to hug Rebekah who was gushing over him. "You're safe! Now that you're home, is your first plan to kill Niklaus?" she asked, pulling back from her eldest brother to glare at her other brother. Elijah smiled at Hayley before he heard footsteps heading away from them. His gaze snapped in that direction to find a woman heading towards the back patio where the pool was. He would recognize that raven hair anywhere.

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