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As the two moved through the woods in near silence, Lorelei picked up the noise of someone frantically running. From the sound of two heartbeats, yet only one set of feet, she knew it had to be Hayley. She didn't even have to say anything for Elijah to know what she heard. He had heard it too. The two exchanged a nod before rushing further into the trees.

She caught sight of the figure hiding behind a tree before he did, moving towards the tree at a slower rate. She heard a twig crack beneath her feet, causing the figure to spin around the tree, small dagger raised. Lorelei caught Hayley's arm, a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips. "Forgive me. I thought you were in danger. It appears I was mistaken," she said, her smile only growing as Hayley stared with shock and relief.

Lorelei released Hayley's wrist only to have the she-wolf step in close and wrap her arms around Lorelei. She returned the gesture, remaining gentle even though Hayley held on tight. "You will not believe the crap day that I'm having," Hayley muttered. Lorelei pulled back, brushing a stray strand of hair from Hayley's face. "Let us take you home," Elijah called, standing a few feet back from the women with a hint of a smile on his lips.

Lorelei nodded, about to turn towards her husband when Hayley took hold of her wrist, stopping her. "Lorelei, there's something you need to know about the baby," she said quietly, almost fearful that she might be overheard. Elijah stepped forward then, standing next to his wife as Hayley released Lorelei's wrist. "What is it?" the raven-haired original asked, concern filling her. Had something happened to the baby? "Her blood... it can be used to make hybrids." The two originals simply stared at her for a moment, shocked. Lorelei wasn't aware there was a way to make hybrids, other than through Klaus himself. That was when Hayley began to explain the "crap day" she had been having.

"Klaus has to know. That's the only explanation," the she-wolf said. She was sitting on a sturdy log near a gentle stream. Elijah was playing with a vine on one of the trees while Lorelei watched Hayley carefully. "He could care less about the baby. He just wants her to be born so he can use her to make more sired hybrids," she finished, shaking her head. Then something dawned on her.

"Although, the way that Dwayne was acting," she started, eyes focused on the memory of the hybrid Tyler Lockwood had created and then killed using Hayley. "It was more like he was sired to me." Elijah didn't speak for a long moment. Lorelei watched him, waiting. She had no real experience with hybrids. Klaus' werewolf side had been suppressed the last time she had seen him. Even now, she didn't truly understand the power a hybrid held since Klaus hadn't used his wolf side around her.

"We should take you home," Elijah finally spoke, shocking both women. "Are you serious? Home to what?" Hayley snapped. "Look. Regardless of my brother's intentions, mine remain the same. I said that I would protect you, even, if need be, from Klaus himself," Elijah was quick to promise. Lorelei gave a small nod, locking her gaze with Hayley's. "You and that darling girl will always have my aid, in any situation," she agreed with a small nod. But the quickness of Elijah's words hurt her heart. He jumped to Hayley's rescue without even a thought towards the consequences. Perhaps he truly cared for her like he had once cared for Lorelei.

"I can take care of myself. I've done it for a long time," Hayley grumbled, getting up from the stump and leaving the two originals. Elijah closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Watch her, please," Elijah muttered to his wife. "She needs time, Elijah. And space. She hasn't had any since your family found out about that child," Lorelei told him, an unexpected sharpness in her voice. "My family?" Elijah asked, meeting her gaze and raising an eyebrow. "Pretty sure I haven't been a part of this family for 500 years," Lorelei reminded him harshly.

"And whose fault is that?" The rage in Elijah's voice shocked her. But it was his words that hurt her. It was her fault. She let herself get tricked by Klaus and she broke the heart of the only man she had ever loved. "Mine," she muttered, accepting fault. Elijah's eyes softened as he realized what his words meant to her. He hadn't thought before he spoke them, but now that he had, he hated himself for it. I saw in her eyes the pain she felt at the reminder of that night. But before he had a chance to even open his mouth to speak, she turned and went to follow Hayley.

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