An Invitation for Music

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Lorelei sat outside of a small bistro in the French Quarter. She watched the people moving here and there, going about their lives while completely unaware that a dangerous predator was in their midst, watching and waiting for something to happen. But she didn't want to watch and wait for something bad. Lorelei spent the morning sipping away at her espresso and watching the people smile. She looked for beautiful little moments in each of their lives. A young couple walked hand in hand, the woman leaning her head on her lover's shoulder, holding on to him tightly as they smiled and giggled together. Another couple, much older than the last, walked together. While their hands were clasped like the young couple's, they both wore wedding bands. Their features had started to sag, but their eyes crinkled at the edges revealing years of laughter together.

Lorelei looked down at her own wedding band. The gold still sparkled like the day she had received. She had taken great care of it over the last thousand years. And from the day Elijah had slipped the slender band onto her long, elegant finger, she had not taken it off. Even after they were separated, she still wore it. She saw it as a symbol of their love, and even though she knew he could not possibly love her still, she loved him with all of her heart.

She smiled to herself as she remembered that wonderful day. It had been unseasonably warm. The sun was shining as Rebekah led Lorelei to the center of the village, arms linked together. Rebekah was talking away, pretending not to know anything about what her brother was doing. Once they had reached the center of the village, Rebekah stopped her friend, smiling wide as Elijah stood in front of them, his hands clasped behind his back. "Lorelei," he started, a nervous smile on his face. She laughed in confusion as she left Rebekah's side and moved to her love. "I have asked this of your family, but now I must ask you," he started as he took her hand in his, the other hand still behind his back.

"Ask me what?" she questioned, eyeing the gathering crowd. They all seemed to be holding their hands behind their backs as well. Elijah didn't say anything. He simply brought his other hand out from behind his back. Resting on his open palm was the small golden band, hammer marks clear in the precious metal. Tears instantly welled in Lorelei's eyes. "What is this?" she asked him as she suppressed her giggles. "Lorelei, my love, will you be my wife?" he asked me, hope gleaming in his eyes. The tears seemed to steal Lorelei's voice away, so she nodded feverishly. The crowd around them cheered, throwing wild flowers onto the couple as Elijah slipped the ring onto her elegant finger.

"Lorelei," Marcel's voice called, pulling her out of her mind. She lifted her gaze to him as he stood next to her table. "Mind if I sit?" he asked her, gesturing to the empty chair across from her own. "Not at all," she replied. He sat down and smiled at her, flashing a brilliant set of straight, white teeth. "What can I do for you, Marcel?" she asked, taking another sip of her espresso. "I get the feeling you and Klaus aren't the best of friends," he started. "Niklaus and I have our spats, yes. Why does this concern you?" she asked him in return. "You're willing to do anything to get Elijah back, right?" he asked. She nodded in reply. "Even betray Klaus?" he specified.

"How will I be betraying him?" Lorelei asked, leaning forward slightly, her interest perked. "I need you to accompany someone – a girl – that I don't want Klaus to get his hands on," Marcel paused and Lorelei nodded for him to continue. "Where will I be accompanying this girl?" she asked, silently agreeing to Marcel's request. His smile grew. "To the music festival tonight. All I want is for you to keep an eye on her, make sure she stays safe. After that, you'll return her to me." Lorelei thought of his offer. "If I do this, you will return Elijah?" she asked, trying to assure herself that she would see him soon. "Yes. You will have him back within the week," he told her. "Why so long? Do you have to fish him out of the levy?" she asked teasingly. Marcel chuckled deeply and shook his head. "Not exactly," was his response. Seeing no other way to retrieve Elijah, she agreed. At least by taking this deal, she knew he would be safe soon – then she would be returning to Paris.

After her meeting with Marcel, Lorelei returned to the plantation house to find Agnes, an older witch of the coven, speaking with Hayley while Rebekah tapped away on her laptop. "I told you, Agnes, I feel great," Hayley told the old woman. "You are overdue for a checkup," Agnes argued as Lorelei set down her purse and poured herself a glass of bourbon. "What am I gonna do, pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here," Hayley snapped as Lorelei watched them. "A lot of women would kill to have a child. Strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours," Lorelei grumbled before downing the rest of her bourbon. Rebekah met the other Original's eyes, sorrow and empathy showing there. But Lorelei didn't want empathy for it felt too much like pity.

"I know a doctor out in the bayou, off the beaten path. Now I took the liberty of making an appointment for you tonight after hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it," Agnes told Hayley. The young she-wolf glanced up at Lorelei. Her reaction moments before had surprised her. It had also brought a sense of guilt to Hayley. "Okay. Fine," Hayley sighed. "Bayou baby doctor it is," she grumbled before the she-wolf and the witch left the house.

Not a minute after the two left, Klaus walked into the room. "Please, sister, tell me you're not still at it with the internet search. How does one begin anyway, just type in anonymous attic?" he asked as he moved to Lorelei and poured himself a glass of bourbon before refilling her own glass. "Someone has to find Elijah, even if I have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans," Rebekah snapped at her brother. "Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles," Klaus teased before taking a sip from his glass.

"I remember details about the attic Marcel took me to. There were shutters on the windows behind Elijah's coffin," Rebekah informed her brother, her eyes never leaving the computer screen. "Well, that should narrow it down immensely. Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor," Klaus said before he sat in the chair across from Rebekah. "Marcel's delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation," Klaus said, perking Lorelei's interest. She had just met with him. Surely, he hadn't lied to her. She was usually good at telling a lie from a truth.

"If Davina's loyalty to Marcel is strained, perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance," Klaus finished, making Lorelei roll her eyes. "As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother," Lorelei quipped before downing the rest of her glass. "500 years and you haven't changed at all, Niklaus," she growled before turning towards the stairs. "Actually, my taste in women has changed immensely," he prodded. Lorelei stopped for a moment, wanting to glare at him. But instead she went up the stairs to get ready for tonight. She would try to have fun at the music festival tonight – with Davina.

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