She-Wolf Snatcher

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A large party was in swing at Marcel's home. No, not a party. Vampires were circled around two. A man and woman fought each other, the woman snapping the man's neck before standing. "Whoo! Damn, girl, not bad!" Marcel called from the balcony overlooking the fight. The woman bowed, barely standing straight again when Klaus rushed into the center of the ring, snapping her neck. The cheering that had been permeating every corner of the mansion ceased at the sight of the hybrid.

"Good evening. I'd like a word," Klaus called up to Marcel, not breaking eye contact with the much younger vampire. "What do you think you're doing?" Marcel called down, clearly not pleased. "It appears..." Elijah's voice called out, pausing as the crowd parted. He and Lorelei were slow in their movements, entering the ring to stand beside Klaus. "...that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs," he finished, staring up at Marcel.

"We've come here for the girl," Lorelei spoke, her voice calm and even soothing to some who heard her. "Give her to us, or... we kill everyone here," she finished her threat, sounding as nonchalant as her husband would. "You three got a lot of nerve coming into my home and making demands," Marcel called down as if their presence didn't faze him. "Your home, is it?" Klaus taunted.

"The girl. We will not ask again," Elijah called out, ignoring his brother's enjoyment of the tense moment. "I assume you're talking about Hayley – yay high, dark hair, bitchy attitude," Marcel said, holding his hand up to her approximate height. "Who is she, anyway?" he asked, enjoying knowing something that Klaus didn't want him to. "She's an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends," Klaus continued to speak with a playful tone.

"Well, I ain't got her, and before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic. So I took a trip out to the planation where I used to be a slave," Marcel spoke up, exaggerating his words to speak for the gathered audience now, more so than the Mikaelsons. "And imagine my surprise when I realized that the original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl Hayley answered the door," Marcel continued with his taunting tone. Lorelei's long delicate fingers curled into fists strong enough to severely dent steel. She noticed Elijah cross his arms over his blazer, only a v-neck t-shirt underneath instead of his usual button-up.

"We exchanged hellos. That was it. You don't believe me, look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her," Marcel offered, his lips never changing from his charming smirk. "But the question that I'd ask is, if Hayley isn't here, then where is she?" He had a good point, not that the originals cared to admit. He was right though, of course, that none of them believed him.

"Not the most attractive community, are they?" Elijah mused as he watched a small group of Marcel's vampires. "You do realize they can hear you," Klaus pointed out to his brother. "You do realize I don't care." Elijah offered a small smirk to his brother as the three originals sat at a small, round table, candles dripping wax onto the wooden top as they drank their offered water.

"You know, Elijah, I liked you better in that box," Marcel said upon entering the large center courtyard they all occupied. "And I liked you better when you were on my side," he added, charming smile turned to Lorelei. "I was never on your side, Marcel, simply the side to which I could get my husband home safely," she responded plainly, sipping at her water. Marcel let out a small chuckle, shaking his head before turning his gaze onto Klaus.

"But, Klaus, my sire, you I owe the world, and I always show respect to my elders," Marcel said, offering that back-handed complement with ease. "If your special lady friend is missing, you can benefit from the help of a witch. And since I control all the witches in this town, I'll grant you one little locator spell," he offered the three of them as two of his followers brought a young woman in. Once they reached the table, the witch pulled her arms free of the vampires' grips.

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