A Rousting in the Cauldron

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Lorelei spent long hours in her room, busying herself with decorating and then redecorating her new living quarters. She had to keep busy or else she would only be able to think about Davina's lifeless body, held so tenderly by Marcel. He had been a wreck, drinking nonstop since the failed Harvest ritual. Lorelei, like him, much preferred to keep her own company these days. Klaus had been out of town lately, and she was glad to have a reprieve from his schemes for the time being.

"Hey, Marcel," Lorelei heard a vampire named Diego call from the courtyard below. "Maybe you know what's going on. Klaus ordered us to meet here, and now he's a no-show." Surprised by both Marcel's presence in the courtyard and Klaus' return, she stepped out of her room and up to the balcony railing. "What do you want from me? It's a new regime. Get used to it," Marcel grumbled, still utterly broken. He sat at one of the bistro tables in the courtyard, bottle of liquor in hand.

"Dearest brethren," Klaus' voice called out from below. He stepped into view, hand on the shoulder of a familiar vampire. "Your attention please. No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure," Klaus continued as the vampires gathered below started making low, pleased noises. "Who is supposed to be rotting in the garden for the crime of killing one of our own. And I personally decided to issue him with a pardon. I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry." Klaus was in a jovial mood. She wondered what could have been in Mystic Falls that made him so utterly pleased with himself. The vampires below began to clap and surround Thierry with hugs and warm welcomes.

Lorelei watched the crowd for a moment before she felt eyes boring into her. She found the gaze easily. Elijah stood on the other side of the courtyard, near the large tunnel entrance. Leaning against the brick, he just looked at her with those dark eyes of his. She couldn't decipher the thoughts she saw swimming in his gaze, but she also didn't have the energy or interest to try. She was about to turn from the bannister and back to her room when Klaus continued.

"Now, as you all know, the witch Davina is no longer with us," he started, voice soft with remorse. Whether it was genuine or not, she wasn't sure. But the mention of Davina made her stop and listen. "Without Davina, we can no longer monitor the activity of our witch neighbors. However, since their Harvest failed, their magic will soon be gone forever." Klaus' temporary somber mood had now switched back to jovial.

"Until then, I say we keep them on their toes. Diego," he called, gesturing to the vampire in question. "I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the Cauldron." The gathered day-walkers made noises of excitement, but Marcel stood to leave, uninterested. "Let's do it," Diego called to the others as Klaus moved to intercept Marcel.

With the vampires disbanding and her attention no longer on Klaus' words, Lorelei realized the gaze locked on her was gone. Or, rather, it had shifted. "It's good to see you out and about," Elijah's voice came softly from beside her. "I was curious. Your brother seems very pleased with himself," she responded with indifference before turning her back to the bannister. Elijah stayed to her side, leaving her view of her room unobstructed.

Inside, she could see her furnishings. Her armoire pressed up to the wall, open to reveal a small selection of her blouses, the mirror hanging inside the door angled towards the bed. Her vanity beside the armoire, make-up and hair products neatly organized on top. Across the room was her desk, a stack of books on the corner and a notebook in the center just in case she got the urge to write anything. Tucked under her bed, she spotted the small chest that hid her grimoire. She wasn't sure why she kept it, but she did. Sentimental, perhaps.

"Yes, many improvements to be witnessed today." Lorelei raised her eyebrow in question, gaze locked on her room and not her husband. "Niklaus showing mercy to an enemy, you no longer in your room..." Elijah trailed off. "Suppose I have to rejoin society at some point. Just never thought it would be today," she said with a heavy sigh.

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