Tangled Up in Blue

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Marcel came up from the garden and Lorelei sighed, turning her gaze on Klaus. "Well, I believe it is time for me to go, Nik," Lorelei told her brother-in-law. His gaze – which had been on Marcel – snapped to her. Confusion and surprise mixed in his blue eyes. "You haven't called me that in a very long time," Klaus pointed out to her. She sucked in some air – not that she needed it – and realized her mistake. She had called him by his old nickname – a name that she had only referred to him by when they had been very close. "My mistake. It won't happen again," Lorelei said coldly. Klaus' small smile faded into a frown again. His face seemed to be perpetually changing between a frown or a devilish smirk. Both of which annoyed Lorelei. "Good night," she told him curtly before leaving him to deal with Marcel. What was the point of her staying here when the plan had failed?

Klaus used his supernatural speed to meet Marcel on the second blood banister. They leaned over the rail and watched as Lorelei left, the soft, somber song of a trumpet playing in the distance. "How much did Cami see?" Marcel asked his sire after downing a glass of bourbon. "She just saw an argument, mate," Klaus replied quietly, shaking his head as he spoke. "It's nothing you can't fix," Marcel didn't reply. "You really like her, don't you?" Klaus asked, trying to get his friend to give him some sort of secret. After all, Klaus was still plotting against Marcel. "I like that she's not a part of any of this," Marcel replied finally. "Sometimes it's good to see the world the way the humans do," he added somberly. "I am sorry about Thierry, you know? I can tell he was a good friend," Klaus told him after a short pause. "I made him what he was. Obviously, my trust was misplaced," Marcel grumbled, angry at himself for trusting Thierry. "Doesn't make it easier," Klaus replied.

A silence fell between the two as they thought about different things. Klaus thought about the newest arrival in the plantation. Lorelei had showed him a small bit of affection, calling him by his old nickname. And then as soon as he had pointed it out to her, she made the conscious decision to be cold again. He wondered if she would ever warm up to him after what happened 500 years ago. A part of him doubted it greatly. But another, small part of him hoped it was true. He tried to squash that sliver of hope. But it was like blocking the sun. No matter how hard you try to cover your eyes, it is still there. Klaus took a sip of his glass of scotch.

"So," Marcel started with a curious tone in his voice. This tone caught Klaus' attention and he turned his gaze on his friend. "I met your sister-in-law tonight," Marcel started. "Ah, yes. Lovely Lorelei. I hope she didn't annoy you too much," Klaus said, putting up a cold front. If this was how she was going to play, he would abide by the rules. "No, no, she was... interesting. And that's saying something for your family," Marcel told him with a small smile. "Well, she married in. Technically not a real Mikaelson," Klaus pointed out in a jovial mood. "She tried to make a deal for her husband," Marcel told Klaus. But this wasn't news to him. Lorelei had asked him and Rebekah to let her try – perhaps the pleas of a desperate wife would warm Marcel's heart. "And?" Klaus asked, knowing the result of Lorelei's negotiation. "And I told her no. But..." Marcel added quickly. "You saved me tonight. I guess I owe you one," he told his sire. Klaus perked up, intrigued. "You asked for your brother back. Seems like the least I can do," Marcel finished. Klaus nodded, his jaw slack in slight surprise.

Lorelei arrived back at the plantation to find Rebekah moping on the piano bench. Her fingers tapped on random keys as she rested her chin on her arm that lay across the top of the sleek, black grand piano. Lorelei sighed as she moved into the parlor, grabbing the bottle of scotch that sat on the self-serve bar. She poured herself a glass and then poured one for Rebekah. "Thanks," the blonde Original muttered, taking the glass. "Well, that was a total bust," Lorelei commented, taking a long sip from her glass. "Agreed," Rebekah grumbled miserably. She continued to play random keys on the piano and the two sat in silence.

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