To Hell And Back

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Hayley wrung out the towel for what felt like the millionth time. Lorelei's fever only seemed to be getting worse as she continued to cough up blood. The she-wolf's hands were cramping, but she continued on caring for her friend. She pretended not to notice the way Lorelei was still clutching the handkerchief Elijah had pressed into her hand, the pale lavender now stained with dark crimson. That small symbol of affection made Hayley's chest ache.

Even though the two originals had been separated for half a millennium, there was still love between them – though neither would admit it to the other. How was it that they still had each other after so long apart? How was it that even though Lorelei didn't feel like she was a part of the family anymore, she still was? She was loved in a way Hayley never had been – and she feared she never would be.

Lorelei's raven hair seemed dull even against her pale forehead. It had been pulled across her face by the washcloth, and Hayley sighed as she reached to brush it back. Then the strangest thing happened. While Elijah had meant to let Hayley into his memories after his fever in the bayou, this was different. Hayley wasn't gently guided into the memory, but rather suddenly pulled into it.

The memory was hazy, almost hectic in a way. Even though Hayley felt like she was watching a movie, she still felt the confusion, pain, and chaos swirling around the small hut. Two women were hunched over another lying beneath a pile of fur pelts. They were frantic, yet somehow composed as the two cared for the wailing woman. Even though Hayley couldn't see her face, she knew the woman was Lorelei.

Outside of the hut, Hayley could make out the voices of Elijah and another man. Elijah sounded frantic while the other man sounded grave but calm. "That's my wife. Let me pass!" Elijah barked, panic edging his voice. "Don't raise you voice to me, boy!" the other man snapped, his calm disappearing as the screams and gut-wrenching pain continued.

While Hayley wanted to go outside and see what was happening with Elijah, she couldn't take her eyes off Lorelei. Blood had begun to stain the furs around her. Lorelei's screams continued for only a few more moments as one of the two women – one with auburn hair – positioned herself at the end of Lorelei's bent legs. The screams subsided and then there was just panting.

"Mama?" Lorelei's weak, fragile voice came as the auburn-haired woman moved away from Lorelei and the second woman, who's hair matched Lorelei's raven locks. She looked much like she did in the present moment. Pale, drenched in sweat, and somehow more fragile than the most delicate of flowers.

"Mama, what..." Lorelei trailed off weakly as she stared at the second dark-haired woman, who watched the third woman with tears silently trickling down her cheeks. "What happened?" Lorelei forced herself to ask. The auburn-haired woman didn't say anything as she shifted to a small basket, nestling a small bundle into it.

"Esther?" Lorelei pleaded, eyes flickering to the third woman. Hayley recognized the name as that of the mother of the Mikaelson family. As the woman stood from the basket, she had barely contained tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Lorelei." Esther turned back to Lorelei and her waiting mother. Regret filled Esther's eyes, but she forced herself to say the words. "Your son did not survive."

Lorelei's face twisted slowly, passing through many emotions. First was confusion. Then denial. And the utter heartbreak. "My son?" she croaked out, tears rushing down her cheeks with no barrier. Esther only gave a small nod. "No. No," Lorelei seemed to beg, head shaking as sobs filled the air, replacing the screams with the sound of a different pain. Slumping back, Lorelei found herself being cradled to her mother's chest, all three women shedding tears for the lost Mikaelson baby.

Hayley gasped when her hand was knocked away by Lorelei's jerk into consciousness. Another coughing fit shuttered through her as she turned towards the edge of the bed, handkerchief pressed to her lips. Hayley shifted positions on the bed quickly, gently rubbing Lorelei's back as a spattering of blood missed the handkerchief and landed on the hardwood floors.

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