Girl in New Orleans

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That evening, the sun had long since set as Lorelei arrived at the Dauphine Street Music Festival. Lively jazz was already filling the air. She knew for sure in that moment that the music was one of Elijah's favorite parts of this town. It was certainly her favorite so far. Tents and booths lined the street while strands of lights hung above it. With a warm smile on her face, Lorelei made her way into Rousseau's. people were dancing in front of a small stage that was occupied by a band. Two men in the front of the stage were moving their bodies as they played the trombone. A man with a trumpet and a man with a tuba stood on the sides of the trombone players while a man on drums hung towards the back of the stage.

She ordered a drink from the bar – a strawberry daquiri for a change – and waited for Marcel. Only as she took the first sip of her drink did Lorelei find him entering the bar with a young girl at his side. Her face was sweet and her smile wide. Wonderment make her hazel eyes sparkle. Her white dress just added to the innocence of her face. But Lorelei knew that the girl's innocence hid her dangerous and devastating power. Lorelei caught the girl looking at a boy near the stage. He clapped and whistled at the band, a smile on his face. He was a handsome young lad. Recognition crossed the girl's features. Interesting. She knew this boy – perhaps even felt for him.

Marcel spoke a few words to the girl – Davina – before he searched the crowd. Lorelei lifted her hand slightly. Marcel caught this gesture and spoke a few more words to Davina before leading her over. "Lorelei, I'm glad you made it," Marcel greeted the original. She smiled, her eyes lingering on the young witch. "I'm just happy to be out of that house," she told him teasingly, returning her gaze to him. "Yeah, I know how that family can get," Marcel agreed with a nod and a flash of his brilliant smile. Davina stared at the original, her eyes curious and skeptical at the same time. "You're one of the old ones," she spoke up, making the two vampires turn to her. "Observant little one, aren't you?" Lorelei teased before sipping at her daquiri "I thought the old ones were against us," Davina hissed to Marcel as if Lorelei couldn't hear her. "Lorelei's a friend. She's with us," he told the young witch. She nodded skeptically and turned back to Lorelei.

"I'm Davina," she introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Davina." Lorelei smiled at the girl, but Davina had a look of surprised curiosity on her face. "It's rude to stare, child," Lorelei spoke up. Her tone was neither harsh nor bitter, but playful. Davina shook her head and forced a smile. "Well, I'll see you two later. Play nice," Marcel told them before shooting a cautionary glance at Lorelei. The Original let out a low chuckle at this and shook her head. "You have nothing to worry about, Marcel. We are just going to enjoy some girl time," Lorelei insisted, resting her free hand on Davina's shoulder. The girl nodded in agreement, trying to get Marcel to leave. He hesitated for a moment before obliging.

After a while, the band changed and the boy Davina seemed to recognize took stage with the rest of a band. He had a fiddle in his hand and he played beautifully. Davina watched with intent and fascination while Lorelei drank her third daquiri. He cheered for the dancing crowd. Lorelei decided to talk to the girl. She stood and approached her, showing her back to the stage. "What is his name?" the original asked the witch who looked confused. "The attractive lad with the fiddle," Lorelei clarified. Davina hesitated to say anything. "I may be over a thousand years old, but I still know what it feels like to have a crush," Lorelei said, offering a genuine smile rather than a smirk. "You had crushes?" Davina asked skeptically. "Just one. But I remember it like it was yesterday. So, what's his name?" Lorelei asked once more.

"Tim. I knew he'd be here," Davina admitted with a blush and an embarrassed glance down. "He always performs at these kinds of things," she added, her smile growing. "How long have you two known each other?" Lorelei asked, taking another sip of her drink. "Since we were 10. I had to leave school, and I didn't get to say good-bye, so I was just hoping to talk to him tonight," Davina explained, her eyes locked on the boy past the original. People cheered and danced and Davina smiled even wider as the boy – Tim – played for the crowd.

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