A Fever Takes Hold

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A small noise of pain caught Lorelei's attention. Rushing down from her room, she found Hayley standing at the base of the stairs, looking at her hand in confusion. "What the hell was that?" Rebekah asked, moving into the room as Lorelei stood two steps above Hayley, watching her. "Hell if I know. It felt like I was being stabbed," the she-wolf explained.

Lorelei was faster than her sister-in-law, first looking to Hayley's hand. There was a trace amount of blood on her fingertips. Lorelei looked to Hayley's neck, finding more blood there. But there was no noticeable wound. "Strange," Lorelei muttered, earning a nod from Rebekah. "Come, sit while I think," Lorelei said, carefully guiding the pregnant werewolf to a large, plush chair. "I'll get a cloth to clean that," Rebekah spoke up as Lorelei took a seat on a bench near the chair.

When the blonde original had left, Hayley couldn't stop herself from staring at Lorelei. She knew the woman had wanted to think, but her mind burned with questions. "How did Klaus convince you to sleep with him?" she asked, her bluntness shocking the original temporarily. Lorelei didn't exactly enjoy reliving that moment of her life, but she decided Hayley could be the one person she could trust with the truth.

"I've told you that I was a witch when I was alive." Hayley nodded, waiting for the full explanation. "When a witch becomes a vampire, their connection to magic is severed. Klaus told me that since he was a hybrid, even though his wolf side was suppressed..." Lorelei sighed to herself, knowing how ridiculous the truth would be. "He suggested that being... connected with him physically could stir up some magic from within me," she huffed out quickly, embarrassed by her stupidity.

Hayley just stared, wide-eyed for a moment before laughter erupted from her. "Oh, I'm – I'm sorry. But that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Lorelei couldn't help the smile that spread over her lips as Hayley continued to chuckle softly. "Well, like I also said, I was considerably drunk at the time. Just about anything would have seemed logical to me in that state," she explained. Hayley's laughter subsided for a moment.

"Although, that whole 'connected physically', 'stirring up magic from within' thing is pretty smooth," Hayley had to admit. Lorelei gave a small, reluctant nod. Even to someone not heavily plied with alcohol, Klaus' line to her would have worked on many women. Though Lorelei hated to admit it, her brother-in-law was quite charming when he wanted to be. But his charm was more accurately barely concealed manipulation, whereas Elijah's charm was genuine, kind, and sweet. His charm was one that exuded warmth – one she knew she would never feel again.

"It's time for the demon spawn to snack," Rebekah called as she entered the room, a wet rag in one hand and a bowl of apples on her opposite hip. "I really wish you wouldn't call her that," Hayley grumbled, hand resting over her stomach. "I'm sorry. Have you picked another name yet?" Rebekah quipped, still annoyed at being left to nanny-duty. She passed the wet cloth to Lorelei before holding the bowl out to Hayley. "Pick one. The plantation is lousy with them," she ordered gently.

Hayley picked an apple from the middle and examined it as Lorelei gently brushed her hair back and cleaned up what remained of the dried blood on her skin. "How's your neck?" Rebekah asked, setting the apples onto a small side table. "I feel fine, which is weird. I'm sure this is Sophie-related," Hayley explained as Lorelei took the rag and stood. "Well, do me a favor and don't die on my watch. I'll never hear the end of it," Rebekah said as her sister-in-law disappeared with the slightly bloody rag.

"You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a real bitch," Hayley started. "What changed your mind?" Rebekah asked with a smirk. "Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you." Rebekah laughed at the ballsy response from the pregnant werewolf. "Well, that's sweet of you to say. Remember it when I'm gone," she said, her own smile fading. Hayley's smile dropped as well.

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