The Tragic Life of a Modern Casket Girl

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The two walked a bit further when Rebekah suddenly disappeared through the crowd. Lorelei's gaze snapped around only to find Rebekah on the opposite side of the street, speaking to a young vampire. "Very noble," she heard Rebekah tell the boy. "Problem is, she goes after our brother," Rebekah continued, noticing Lorelei's presence as the raven-haired woman came to stand beside her.

"She'll be the one who ends up dead; a very unnecessary end to an already-tragic story," Rebekah mused to the boy. "Perhaps you'd like to help us help her," Rebekah offered. The boy's gaze flickered between the two originals hesitantly. "We don't want to manipulate her, like Klaus or Marcel. We truly mean to help," Lorelei added in hopes of convincing him.

Her sincerity worked because the boy – Josh, as she discovered – came along with them to the compound. They were barely inside the gate when another wave of magic slammed into Lorelei. It wasn't pain she felt, but an overwhelming surge of energy radiating through her to the point of exhaustion. She stumbled, the screams coming from the courtyard barely registering as Rebekah caught ahold of her.

"It's Davina," she choked out. Rebekah's gaze snapped to Josh, who had also leaned in close to help, but hadn't touched the original. "Let's get in there, but stay off to the side. She can incapacitate the boys for us," Rebekah ordered Josh, who nodded before helping Rebekah drag the nearly unconscious Lorelei towards the courtyard.

They could see the damage Davina was doing now. Lorelei struggled to focus through the haze of power, but managed to see Klaus unconscious, Marcel on his knees, and Elijah levitating. "For a thousand years, you fed on innocent blood. Why don't you choke on it," Davina growled. Her words were calm as they did their damage. Blood started pouring from Elijah's lips as he indeed began to choke.

Through the haze, Lorelei's fear added to the power, making it hard for her to concentrate. "Elijah," she managed to whimper, but Rebekah and Josh kept a tight grip on her, though they didn't need to in her weakened state.

Elijah eventually fell to the ground, still quietly choking as Davina turned her attention to Marcel. "And you," she started, allowing Marcel to stand. Though magic still buzzed in the air, it had faded immensely and Lorelei found herself regaining some strength. "I trusted you. I loved you, but you were just using me to stay in power. You don't care about me," Davina hissed, the pain of Marcel's betrayal in her eyes. Lorelei wasn't sure what he had done, but that didn't matter. What did matter was that the young witch was in pain and Lorelei wanted nothing more than to sooth her.

"You're wrong," Marcel insisted gently. "When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe I should boil you in bronze." Lorelei braced herself for the onslaught of magic she knew she would feel. But Marcel's words made the young witch hesitate. "I care. I took you in like you were my own blood," Marcel started, causing tears to well in Davina's eyes.

However, before he could convince her to stop, Rebekah rushed forward, jabbing a blunt object through Marcel's chest, careful to avoid the heart. Marcel dropped as Lorelei stood on her own, watching her sister-in-law. "Come on now, love. Don't tell me you were falling for that. Isn't it time for us girls to have a chat?" Rebekah asked as Davina looked between Marcel's unconscious body and the blonde.

"Now that is impressive, and well-deserved, in my opinion," Rebekah continued as Lorelei emerged from her hiding spot. Davina jumped at the sight of her, but made no moves as the raven-haired original joined the blonde. "Now, before you turn on us, I have a surprise for you." Josh stepped out of his hiding spot and into the courtyard.

"Josh, what are you doing? Get out of here," Davina called to him in fear. Before he had a chance to move, Rebekah sped towards him, a blur until she stopped, fingers wrapped around his throat. The young vampire gasped for air as he held on to Rebekah's hand. "What are you doing?" he managed to ask. "My thoughts exactly," Lorelei growled from where she stood, still weakened from Davina's magic but not enough for it to be noticeable.

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