Off Balance

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The three entered the warehouse shortly after nightfall. Among the large crate stored in the open space was a sigil just like the one Lorelei had stumbled upon earlier that day. In the middle, lying desiccated, was Rebekah. Elijah and Hayley began to hurry forward, the original calling for his sister. But, as the two reached the edge of the circle, they were stopped by a wall of magic.

"What's happening?" Hayley asked as Lorelei moved much slower, examining the scene. "A boundary spell, to prevent anyone from stopping this," Lorelei muttered, moving around the circle to be closer to Rebekah's head. There, she saw the same symbol as she had on the two dead day-walkers.

"Someone is channeling her," Elijah huffed out in frustration. "Typically, it's a lethal process, but, because she's an original, she cannot die," he explained quickly. Lorelei's eyes widened. She had known this was sacrificial magic, but not that it would allow someone to channel those inside the circle. "She's an endless source of power," she muttered, eyes wide with shock.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Hayley questioned. "We have to get her out of there," Elijah insisted. Lorelei shifted to be beside them once more, careful not to brush the edge of the circle. "And how do we do that?" Hayley snapped, seemingly frustrated by a lack of answers. "Spells like this," Lorelei started, staring down at it. "They're convoluted. Much like any recipe, it can be spoiled. We just need a more potent ingredient to upset the balance," she explained.

"Okay, like what?" Hayley asked, arms crossed in a defensive manner. "There's lots of options, really. Volcanic ash, rock salt. Anything up to and including eye of newt, essentially," she shrugged. "What about the blood of a witch?" Elijah asked, having reached the idea just moments before Lorelei herself. "That would work, yes," she muttered.

She watched as Elijah turned his gaze slowly to Hayley, who now had her hands resting on her stomach protectively. "I need a favor," Elijah asked, knowing Hayley had reached the same conclusion they all had. "The baby. She's a quarter witch," she muttered in understanding.

She did not hesitate to step up before Lorelei, staring at Rebekah's desiccated body before locking gazes with the raven-haired original. Hayley held up her wrist to Lorelei, giving a sharp nod at her look of uncertainty. Lorelei never wanted to do anything to hurt Hayley, or the baby, but in that moment, they were desperate and she was willing.

Lorelei hesitated for only a moment before taking hold of the back of Hayley's wrist, biting down on the tender flesh of the inside. Hayley let out a small grunt of discomfort as Lorelei's fangs pierced the skin. The copper taste of blood filled her mouth. While normally a pleasant sensation, the fact that it belonged to Hayley and her baby made the blood taste vile on Lorelei's tongue.

Pulling back, she held Hayley's wrist over the circle and gave it a small squeeze. Drops of blood splattered onto the salt circle surrounding the sigil. It started to bubble and smoke, as if turning to acid, before finally stopping. Lorelei gently took Hayley and stepped back as Elijah tested the edge of the circle. He stepped over with hesitation, but once he found no resistant, he hurried to Rebekah's side and lifted her from the floor.

Removing her from the circle was quick, and the desiccation began to fade. Rebekah gasped awake as her gray, veiny skin returned to its usual pink glow. She took a moment as Elijah set her on her feet but kept his arms around her for support. Rebekah glanced around the room. "Where is that coward?" Rebekah growled.

Elijah sighed, turning to Lorelei. "Get Hayley back to the compound," he said softly. Lorelei gave a small nod before Rebekah disappeared. Elijah sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Will you be all right to handle her alone?" Lorelei questioned. His gaze met hers and he felt himself begin to come undone with her concern for him and his sister. "Take a reprieve from the family drama," he told her, the corner of his lips turning up for just one moment – just long enough for her to notice – before he sped off after his enraged sister. Lorelei sighed before turning to Hayley and leading her back to the compound.

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