New Recruits

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Just as Shigaraki had said, I was woken up by him knocking on my door. I slowly opened my eyes and rolled out of bed before I walked over and opened the door. "Get dressed, we're leaving in 20." Shigaraki said before walking off. I sighed but did as I was told, grabbing some clothes and going off to get changed.
   I walked into the main area of base about 10 minutes later, finding Shigaraki on the couch watching the news. "Kurogiri made food if you want some, it's in the kitchen." Shigaraki said without turning around. I didn't say anything back to him but went to the kitchen, finding a tray of sandwiches on the kitchen counter. I grabbed one and went to join Shigaraki on the couch until we had to leave. He eyed me as I sat down. "Not much of a morning person?"
   "What makes you think that?" I asked, my voice tired.
   "Just a hunch, you don't seem to be as bratty as you were yesterday."
I glared at him, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Shigaraki laughed, "Nothing. Let's go, Kurogiri should be ready to warp us to the meeting spot." Shigaraki said before standing up and heading outside. I followed suite, not wanting to get left behind.
   Just as Shigaraki said, Kurogiri was waiting for us outside. Kurogiri gave Shigaraki a nod before a warp gate appeared next to him. Shigaraki turned back and looked at me, a smirk on his face. "Let's do this, Staples." He said before walking through the gate, me following him seconds later.
   On the other side of the gate was a very run down warehouse, very little light coming through the holes in the ceiling. I quickly found Shigaraki, who was standing in front of 2 others. I walked over to them and quickly took in the others' features. One of them was a girl with blonde hair, looking to be around Shoto's age. The other wore a black and grey mask so I couldn't make out his face. "So, you guys are interested in joining the league, huh?" Shigaraki asked once I was by his side.
   The girl's grin widened, "Yes! We heard what you were planning and about the world you wanted to create. We absolutely love the idea!" The blonde said, practically jumping up and down in excitement.
   "Give me your names, legal and villain, age, and your quirks along with a description on how they works." Shigaraki demanded.
   "My name's Himiko Toga, I don't have a villain name so I just go by my real name. I'm 15, and my quirk is called Transform. When I drink somebody's blood I can turn into them for a certain amount of time. The more blood I have, the longer I can stay transformed."
Shigaraki looked over at the other guy, waiting for his response. "My name is Jin Bubaigawara, villain name Twice. That's a lie! I'm 31 and my quirk is called double. If I have somebody's measurements I can make a double of them, that double can make another double, etc. I wish I was that cool!"
Shigaraki looked at him, confused, though I did too. The only one that wasn't confused was Toga. "What's with the uh, contradictions?" Shigaraki asked.
"Jin's experienced a lot of trauma from his quirk. He has a habit of shouting out things opposite of what he really means." Toga explained.
Shigaraki nodded, "Right." He then proceeded to open his coat and pull out 2 files, handing one to Twice and one to Toga. "I can't just let you into the league, I need you guys to do something to prove your worth to me. In those files are tasks that I want you both to complete. Do it within 2 weeks. There are burner phones in that back corner, take one before you leave and contact me when you've finished. Let's go Dabi." Shigaraki said before turning his heels and heading to where a gate had just appeared. I looked back at Toga and Twice, then followed Shigaraki through the gate.
   "Why did't you put me through a test?" I asked Shigaraki once I was through the gate.
   "As I told you, I'd been following you for quite a while before I actually approached you and asked you to join. I already knew your worth and what you could do for me if you joined. You were an asset that I needed in order to make this work." Shigaraki replied, a small smile on his face.
   I crossed my arms, "Don't forget that you're helping me with my goal aswell. If you don't help me I'm out, I'm not just doing this out of the kindness of my heart."
   "I'm aware Dabi, I will ensure that your goal is completed aswell. There's always room in my plans for what my comrades desire."
"Good to know we're on the same page. I'm grabbing a shower." I said before walking off to my room.
   When I finished showering I decided to go back into the living room, figuring that there was nothing else for me to really do. I found Shigaraki engulfed in another one of his video games. I threw myself onto the couch behind him, letting out a sigh as I landed. "You good?" Shigaraki asked, never taking his eyes off the screen.
   "Never better." I replied, throwing my arm across my forehead. I stayed like this until I felt something pelt me in the stomach. "What-" I sat up to find a controller lying on my abdomen. I then looked over to see Shigaraki staring at me.
   "Play with me. Please?" Shigaraki asked, his eyes pleading. I'm not sure why but the sight of this made my cheeks turn hot, though I don't think you could tell with the scaring.
   "Sure, whatever." I sighed before sliding down next to him, taking the controller in my hands. Shigaraki took a second to explain how the game worked as I've never played it before. Natsuo and I didn't necessarily have many game options at home.
Shigaraki and I ended up playing video games for the remainder of the day, at least until Kurogiri forced us away and made us go to bed. He's kind of making the impression of being Shigaraki's father figure more than I initially thought. Once parting ways with Shigaraki I ended up scrolling through the news, curious as to if anything new had happened to Endeavor. To my dismay he was recovering fairly well and would be returning to action soon. Great, just great.

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