Mission Approved

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The next couple of days essentially just consisted of Tenko and I hanging around base and waiting to see if Endeavor called with information on our offer. Over the days we've been waiting I've had my siblings text me to ask about some things but I honestly barely answered them. I wanted a little distance while I thought everything over.
   On the 5th day during the afternoon my phone finally rang, Endeavor's contact popping onto the screen. I answered the phone then put it on speaker so Tenko could hear everything. "Hello Endeavor."
"To- Dabi, I'm assuming you already know why I'm calling." Endeavor said.
I sighed, "Yes, I'm fully aware as to why you're calling. Kindly get on with it."
"Right. So the commission called me this morning to update me with their decision on your offer. They want to hold a meeting with the head, me, you, and Shigaraki tomorrow to discuss this in person."
"Shigaraki can't attend the meeting, did you forget that already?" I asked, slightly annoyed.
   "R-Right, I forgot about that, apologies.". Endeavor says.
   "They're literally your grandkids and you forget about them? That's sad." Tenko mumbled as he rolled over onto his side, pulling the blanket onto him more.
   "I'll be coming to the meeting alone tomorrow. Just give me a time and place and I'll be there." I said, gently messing with Tenko's hair.
   "Just come home tomorrow at 9am and I'll go with you, it would probably be safer that way aswell."
   "Yeah, sure. That all?"
"Yes, that's all. I'll see you tomorrow Dabi, give Shigaraki my best." Endeavor said before hanging up.
   "Be careful at that meeting tomorrow, please? You know you can't trust the commission." Tenko said, lacing his fingers with mine.
   "You know I'll be careful, I have to come back to you, remember?" I respond.
   "Fucking sap. Just keep me updated on everything, this could just end up being a trap."
   "I'll talk to Kurogiri and have him on standby just in case I need an emergency gate back. I won't let them take me away from you."
   "Better not. You're the only one that even has a chance at being able to pull this off. You've got this, we're counting on you." Tenko smiled and brought my hand to his abdomen as he pulled me into a kiss.
"Just count on me love, I'll pull this off without a hitch."
   When it came time to leave for this meeting I practically had to force myself away from Tenko, not wanting to leave him again so soon. I knew I'd only be gone for a few hours but still, there's a very strong part of me that hates being away from him for even a second. Once I was finally able to bring myself to move away from Tenko I explained everything to Kurogiri and he opened a warp gate, sending me off to my family's house.
   The second I walked into the house I was wrapped into a hug by Fuyumi. "You're just like Toga." I muttered under my breath. She hummed and looked up at me confused, "Nothing, ignore me."
   "Ready to go Touya?" Endeavor asked as he walked into the room.
   "I guess. Let's get this done and over with, old man." I replied, Fuyumi letting go of me as Endeavor started to lead me out the door and down the street. We recieved strange looks the entire walk to the agency but I basically ignored that along with all of the small talk that Endeavor attempted to make.
When we got to the commission's headquarters the lady that I assumed was the head was already waiting outside. As we approached she was already looking me up and down, "Where's Shigaraki?" She asked.
"Out of commission, now can we go get this over with? I have other places to be." I replied. The lady glared at me but led us inside and to a conference room where a couple other people were already waiting. "I thought you said it would just be her?"
   "I thought it was going to be, that's what she told me." Endeavor responded as we sat down across from them.
"So, Dabi." One of the commission people began, "Endeavor has told us that you and Tomura Shigaraki are offering to work with us in order to take down All For One, is that correct?"
"That is correct." I respond.
"Is All For One not your ally? I can't think of any reason that this wouldn't just be some trick."
"All For One is not our ally, as far as Shigaraki and I are concerned he's an enemy, especially to me. I want that man dead." I said, my voice stern as an attempt to not let my anger show too much.
   "What has he done to make you hate him so much?"
   "This may be extremely personal, but he threatened to hurt my family and has done so in the past. That bastard's dead." I responded.
   "Is this true Endeavor? He's hurt and threatened your family?" The guy asked, turning to look at Endeavor.
   "I'm not talking about Touya's family. I'm talking about my family." I said, cutting off Endeavor.
"Right, and why do you want our help with this? Don't you have thousands of front members?"
"That may be so, but the heroes have people that have quirks that are 100 times as strong as some of our members. It took All Might alone to simply beat All For One, to kill him? We need more strength than All Might and I don't see getting that with anybody from the front. We need help. He's your #1 enemy, right? This is a golden opportunuty to take him out of the picture." I explained.
The commission members talked amongst themselves before turning to Endeavor, "And you truly believe that this is a good idea?"
Endeavor nodded, "I do. I completely agree with Dabi that this is the perfect opportunity to take him out. We can't let it go to waste."
   The commission once again talked amongst themselves, though this time for longer. I could tell that Endeavor kept looking over at me but I didn't care to look at him, I just continued to stare into space and think about Tenko.
It took around 15 minutes but the commission finally stopped talking, clearing their throats to earn my attention. "After our discussion, we have decided to accept your offer along with your conditions. We will have one of our heroes start trying to figure out where All For One is currently located and reach out with a date and time as to when we're going to strike. We will give you our 20 best heroes for this fight. Don't make us regret this." The commission head said.
Endeavor stood up and bowed his head, "Thank you very much."
"Yeah, thanks. Good to know you guys are at least somewhat smart. You can contact me through Endeavor with updates." I said, heading out the door with Endeavor following close behind.
He held a hand out, "I look forward to working alongside you."
I scoffed, "Not happening old man. Now let's leave so I can go back home, yeah? I gotta go do some shit for Shigaraki."

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