Author's Note

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Hey! Thank you so much for taking the time to read Together We Rule. :) I've had the biggest headcannon that in relationships Dabi and Shiggy are the softest people in the world so I kind of projected that on the in this book, hopefully I was able to execute that well. I also tried to add things that I didn't in my other books to attempt to make it more interesting though I may have failed at that.
I sucks at writing action scenes so I apologize if those were bad, I felt awkward and kept running out of ideas to prolong the fight, same with the speeches I had Shiggy give. I also refused to kill of any league members so I spared your hearts of Twice's death, you're welcome. I still suck at ending chapters and shit, oops. Anywho, thank you again for reading this book and I'd apreciate it if ya maybe check out my other books. They're revised and slightly better than this book, I promise. See ya in the next one. :)
   - C.L.

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