Going Back Home pt. 2

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   My siblings quickly climbed off of me. Once they were off I slowly rose to my feet, staring directly at Endeavor. His eyes looked like they were in disbelief and trying to search for something. Meanwhile, my nerves were off the charts, unsure of what he was going to do. I was ready to fight him at any given second. "Dad? Aren't you happy that Touya's finally home?" Fuyumi asked to break the silence.
   Endeavor blinked, seemingly brought back to reality. His face shifted from confusion to soft, tears brimming his eyes as a soft smile spread onto his face. "Yeah- Yeah, I am. I-I didn't think that you'd ever come back home Touya. I promise I-"
   I cut him off, "Save it, yeah? I still haven't forgiven you for shit. I'm not even here for good. I came here to one, see my mom and siblings, and two, because I need to discuss something with you. I have a proposal." I said, making Endeavor's eyes go wide.
   "A proposal?"
   "Yeah, like a busniness proposal or something? I don't know the exact terms, Shigaraki's usually the one tht does this stuff." I replied.
   Endeavor nodded his head, "Yes, of course. We can talk about that later. How about for now we all sit down at the table and catch up. It's the first time we've been a full family in years." Endeavor said, looking at me woth hope filled eyes.
   I was about to respond when my phone rang. I grabbed it out of my pocket, seeing it was from Tenko. I held up a finger and answered the call, "Hey baby, what's up? You alright?"
"I'm alright, I just wanted to know if you made it to your house or not yet. I know you said you'd make it there today so I wanted to check in." Tenko said, making me smile.
"Yeah, I'm here now."
"Good. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing then. I miss you."
"I miss you too, love. I'll call you later, yeah?" I responded, I could feel my sibling's eyes glued to me.
"Yeah, I love you, talk to you later."
"I love you too." I said before hanging up the phone before shoving it in my pocket.
"Touya~ You have a girlfriend?" Fuyumi asked, walking over to me with eyes that acted like they knew all.
"As if. Boyfriend." I replied, my face heating up. "Though I'm surprised Endeavor didn't tell you, seeing as he kind of announced it to the world and all."
"You knew about this and didn't tell me?" Fuyumi asked, her voice sounding as if she was offended. "Wait, announced it to the world?"
"I-I didn't think it was my busniess to tell. During the interview I accidently let things slip, I apologize. How is he by the way? Is he still-"
"Yes, he's still very much pregnant." I said before he could even finish his sentence.
"I see." Endeavor said, heading over to sit down at the table.
"Wait, I'm sorry. Did you just say he was pregnant? So that's what Endeavor meant?" Natsuo asked, practically running up to me.
I felt a soft smile spread across my lips, "Yeah, it is. He's 6 and a half months with twin boys." I replied.
   "We're sitting down and you're telling us about him." Fuyumi said, practically dragging me to the table. When everybody was sat down she turned to me with a wide smile. "So, how long have you guys been together?"
   I rubbed the back of my neck, "6 and a half months."
   My mom's eyes widened, "Touya Todoroki-"
   "Listen, I know it sounds bad. We've known eachother for a little over a year now. I had a thing for him before that but it's not like I really knew what the feeling was, I think he had a thing for me too. One night shit just happened. One thing just led to another and now I'm gonna be a dad." I replied, avoiding eye contact with my mom the whole time.
   "You actually love him, right? You're not just pretending to because you knocked him up?" My mom asked.
   "No, I really love him. Him and my boys are my whole world, mom."
My mom smiled and took my hands in hers, "Make sure you take good care of him Touya, finding someone that you really love is a special thing. Don't lose him."
"I plan to always treat him like he's royalty, it's what he deserves."
"Soooo you gonna tell us who it is? There are like, thousands of people in that group of yours. It's not like guessing'll do any good." Fuyumi said.
"Actually, I think you'd get it fairly fast."
"It's Tomura Shigaraki, isn't it?" Natsuo asked.
"And a point goes to Nastu." I replied.
   "He's ok with you being here?" Shoto asked, "I can't imagine he likes the idea of you leaving him to be around a bunch of heroes, especially Endeavor."
   I sighed, "He's not happy about it, but I came here with reason. It's for the sake of our kids and his safety, he knew that and backed me up. Plus, I think he knew that I missed you guys. When Endeavor's interview was on the news he told me to attempt to reconnect with you guys at some point."
"He sounds really sweet, I wouldn't expect that from just looking at him from the tv." Fuyumi said.
I laughed, "You're not wrong. In reality he's actually really kind and caring, willing to do anything that it takes to protect the people that he cares about, he's a huge softie. It's why I had to come here to talk to Endeavor, I have to protect him."
"Enji, maybe you and Touya should go talk about this now. It sounds important." My mom said, turning to Endeavor.
Endeavor stood up. "You're right, let's go discuss this proposition of yours, Touya."
I stood up aswell, "Lead the way old man."
"I wish you'd stop calling me that." Endeavor sighed while starting to walk out of the room.
I followed him, "As if that'd ever happen, Enji." I replied, following him down the hall. On our way up to his study I noticed a shrine that was placed with my middle school picture in the middle of it. I guess they have been waiting a while, haven't they?

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