Stop Following Me

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"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, looking up at the boy. He looked to be about my age, though it's hard to tell seeing as he had a hand covering his face.
   He removed the hand and smiled at me. "My name is Tomura Shigaraki, I've heard a lot about you."
   "Yeah, interesting, You want something?" I stood up, quickly learning that I was a couple inches taller than him.
   "In fact I do. I have an offer for you, I want you to join me." Shigaraki said, his smile never leaving his face.
   "Join you?"
   "Yes, I want us to be partners. I already have a base set up, I just need members. I want you to be the first member, Dabi. I know you've only been out here a couple years but you're dangerous. I want to work with you." Shigaraki explained.
   I slid past him, "No thanks, I work alone."
He grabbed my arm, "Come on man, think about it. With you and I working together we can rule this town, maybe even all of Japan!"
I laughed, "Again, no thanks. Working with other people will only hold back my work. I have my own goal that I need to accomplish. I'm not about to throw that away to chase someone else's. I've gone through too much shit to give up now." I replied, pulling my arm out of his grasp and walking away. I didn't hear what he yelled out to me and I honestly didn't care, I just wanted to go home and fall asleep for the night.
About half way through my walk I decided to look behind me, seeing Shigaraki not too far away from me. I sighed and turned to face him, "You stalking me now?"
"Of course not, I'm just here in case you change your mind, that's all. You really should join me, we'd be great together."
"Or, you can stop following me around and get lost. I already said no, twice." I replied, continuing my walk home.
"And? That's not going to stop me Dabi. I want to work along side you." Shigaraki said as I heard his footsteps start to follow me again.
"God you're unbearable." I scoffed under my breath, not wanting to look back at him. When I finally got back home I noticed he was still right behind me. "Seriously dude?"
"Yes, seriously. I'm not going to stop until you join me."
"I'll call the cops." I threatened, reaching for the door.
"And what? Get caught yourself? I think you're forgetting that you're very much a wanted man." Shigaraki replied with a shitty look on his face.
I scoffed before opening the door, "Then stay outside all night for all I care, I'm not joining you." I said before rushing off to my room, making sure the door was locked behind me. I looked outside my window to see him still standing in front of the building. "Fucking creep."
"Ok what the actual fuck?" I asked, excruciatingly annoyed. For the 7th day in a row I've found this Shigaraki guy waiting for me near where I did my work.
   "I told you, I want you to join me." Shigaraki said, a shitty smile on his face.
"And? I've told you no many times every single fucking day this week. How have you not gotten the hint that I'm not joining you?" I replied. I was sick and tired of seeing this guys' face.
"And I'm telling you that I'm not giving up. You'd be a very beneficial ally, I want you on my side."
"I already explained this to you, I'm not giving up my goal for your dumbass ideals. I'm happy working to achieve my goal bt myself, fucking leave me alone before I burn your ass." I said, lighting a small flame in my palm.
Shigaraki held his hands up in defense. "Easy, Dabi. You don't have to give up your goal in order to join me. In fact, we can work together on it."
I scoffed, "Yeah? How could you benefit me and what'd you want from me in return?"
"I can offer you my quirk along with the assistance of everyone else we recruit. What I want is for you to help me with my goal, that's all."
"And what's your goal?" I asked, slightly intrigued. In this whole week he's never mentioned what his goal was, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little curious.
   Shigaraki smirked, "To kill All Might and take over the hero society. What's yours?"
   I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall, "Take revenge on Endeavor."
"And what does that revenge consist of?"
"Killing him." I replied, looking dead into Shigaraki's eyes.
    He smiled, "If you join then I can ensure you that I'll help make that happen." Shigaraki replied, holding his hand out to me, "Join me Dabi, let's rule this world together."
I felt my face turn slightly hot as I met his eyes again. For this first time this week I genuinely thought about Shigaraki's offer. As much as I hate working with others, I suppose having another person to target Endeavor wouldn't be the worst thing. I sighed before taking his hand. "I guess I'll join you."
   Shigaraki's face lit up, "Actually?"
   "Why not? You already said you wouldn't leave me alone about it. Plus, I guess it wouldn't be all that bad to have somebody help me kill Endeavor." I replied.
"Perfect! If you're alright with it you should come move into base and help me recruit some more people for the league. We'd be better off getting numbers quickly, right?" Shigaraki asked, a wide smile on his face.
I felt a smirk crawl onto my face, "Yeah, sure. Let's do that." I'm not sure what it is about this guy, but there's something to him that makes me want to be around him, even though his shitty smirk irritates the fuck out of me. I started off to my apartment to gather my things, Shigaraki following close behind me the entire time.
When we got to my apartment I threw all of my shit into a couple boxes, Shigaraki pulling out his phone when I was done. The second he hung up
the phone a mist type thing appeared next to him, startling me. "What the hell?"
"It's a warp gate to take us back to base, grab your stuff and let's go." Shigaraki said, grabbing one of the boxes before stepping through the gate. I was hesitant but grabbed the remainder of my things, following suite and stepping into the black mist.

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