The Next Move

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Time has flown by since we moved bases a couple months ago. The league has been doing a bunch of small crimes around to show we're still active but our main focus has been to work on a plan that'll end up securing not only my goal but will help the league take down the hero society all together.
For the past week the league's been off on a special mission that Shigaraki's so called "master" has sent us off on to get Shigaraki a new power, though I have no idea who that master is. In all honesty, I didn't want to do it so I left and went off to work on my own goal while the others dealt with that. While they've been gone I've been recording the video I plan on broadcasting to the world when I finally face Endeavor, the moment I'll finally get the truth out.
Whilst putting this video together I've also been doing a little digging to see what my family has been up to, just as reassurance that this'll be able to reach them aswell. Natsuo's finishing his last year of high school while Fuyumi's started college. I already know where Shoto is, though my mom's still in that hospital Endeavor sent her to.
   Today I finally managed to finish taping all of the footage I would need for my big reveal. I transfered everything onto a flashdrive and shoved it into my jacket pocket. I then contacted the doctor Shigaraki had teleport me here and had him send me back to base. Once he did I went into my room and plugged the flashdrive into Shigaraki's computer to edit down and combine the clips to make everything perfect.
I was halfway through editing when that stupid black slime shit the doctor uses to teleport us start gushing out of my mouth. I sat the computer down quickly and covered my mouth in confusion. Next thing I knew I wasn't at base anymore, I was on a mountain with the rest of the league. "What the hell? I thought you were letting me go off to do my own shit."
"We were, but we need you for this. Some guy called me about half an hour ago. They have thousands of soldiers but they challenged us, we need to take them down. Hence, we need your help." Shigaraki said.
"And what about that other thing you guys are supposed to be doing?"
"I of course have a plan for that aswell, but right now this is our top priority. After this we'll be able to pull of that fight you and I have been talking so much of." Shigaraki replied with a smirk of his face.
I sighed but gave it, "Alright, yeah, let's do this."
   Shigaraki smiled, "Great, I'll be pairing you with Compress and Twice. You guys are to help hold off the army while Spinner and I head towards that tower over there." He says, pointing to the huge tower looming over the rest of the city.
   Once the orders are given everybody split off to the parts of the city they were assigned. I quickly took off after Compress and Twice, taking one final glance at Shigaraki before putting my focus into helping this mission succeed. I had to do this, all for the sake of my mission.
The second we stepped foot into the city we were ambused by hundreds of people. The three of us quickly sprang into action, Twice and Compress taking care of one side while I took care of the other. I managed to burn quite a few people to ash, immediately taking down a good chunk of their numbers. I refused to let up on my flames, regardless on how much their numbers dwindled. Knowing this was my best bet I just let them burn, slowly letting them grow more rapid and hot as more people came running at us.
   It took us a while but managed to make it through the first wave of people, though we took a second to catch a quick break before moving father into the city. "Dabi, are you alright? Looking hot man!" Twice asked, which made Compress turn to look at me.
   "Dabi, you're smoking."
   I held out my arms and saw smoke slowly starting to rise at the ends of my scars. Great, already overusing my quirk. "It's fine, don't worry about it. Let's just keep moving." I replied, not wanting the others to worry too much about me. I've overused my quirk many times before, it'll be fine.
As we were running into the city I felt something crash into my side and send me flying back into a building. I heard Compress and Twice yell my name as I tried to figure out what just hit me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see some guy standing on a block of ice. "An ice quirk, huh?" I laughed while gaining my composure and standing up.
"The blue flame user, Dabi. You may have a fire quirk but I control ice, every aspect of it. You're not winning this fight." The ice user said.
"Dabi-" Compress started, though I quickly cut him off.
"Take Twice and keep moving forward, I can handle him." I replied.
"Just go!" I yelled before sending my flames towards the ice user. Compress just nodded and grabbed Twice, running farther into the city.
"Getting cocky, aren't you?" The ice user asked.
I laughed, "Nope, I just know that I'm better than you." I replied as I sent another wave of flames his way. He managed to dodge the flames by sending a chunk of ice my way, immediately having ice from around the city swarm him.
   "I'm going to make you regret saying that." The ice user said while melding the ice together to make one huge deformed block. He sent the block of ice flying towards me. I held my hands out in front of me and sent off the biggest and hottest gust of flames that I could manage in the short amount of time I had to dodge. The ice was shrinking, but it wouldn't be gone before it reached me.
   I stopped my flames and jumped to the side, the ice crashing into the building behind me as I landed. Debris flew everywhere and I saw the ice user get hit by a chunk of concrete, then felt something else hit me. It was another piece of ice, he was still fighting. The ice managed to yet again knock me back, though this time it knocked me to the ground. Right when I was getting up I heard it. I looked over at the tower, only to see it fall to the ground.
Shigaraki has made it to his goal.

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