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"We need to get more allies from the inside, that's what I'm trying to say here. Practically all of the heroes that we had during that last battle were arrested, killed, or found out. We need a new inside source." Tenko said, talking to Compress about what he wants him to talk about at the next front meeting. For the past month Tenko and Compress have been having back to back conversations about how to prep for the next phase of the plan, which sadly Tenko and I won't get to be part of as we'll still be on leave.
   "Do you have any specific ranking you want to go for?" Compress asked.
   Tenko thought for a moment before responding, "It should be somebody with a well known status that can get us information that others can't, you know? Though, that would be really tricky seeing as the heroes at the top of the charts are the most loyal."
   "Hmm, I can try to devise a plan for tomorrow's meeting on how we can work on getting a top ranked hero on our side. Twice has also been requesting to go on recruit missions, so if it's alright with you I want to allow him to do that for a little while."
   "Fine by me, if he thinks he can get someone useful then by all means." Tenko replied.
   "Great, thank you for your time Tomura, I'll take my leave now." Compress said before standing up and leaving the room.
   The second he's gone Tenko flung himself back onto me, his back resting against my chest. "I did my best not to lose my shit while Compress was here but my god, your brats are treating me like I'm some kind of fucking punching bag."
   I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, resting my chin on his shoulder. "They aren't just my kids you know, chances are they got the attitude from you." I said, kissing his cheek before moving one of my hands across his abdomen.
   "I often wonder why I was stupid enough to agree to go through with this. This shit's torture."
   "I can only imagine, just think that you're almost done. They'll be out of you soon."
   Tenko sighed, "Not soon enough." He said before turning to his side, "I'm taking a nap, wake me up if something important happens."
   "Yes sir." I replied, softly playing with his hair as he drifted off.
   The next day Tenko and I took advantage of the fact that everybody was going to be out of base all day for that stupid meeting. Rather than staying holed up in my room like usual, Tenko and I took to the living room. Tenko was currently passed out, I had one of my arms around his waist for support while the rest of his body was leaning against my chest.
   The day was actually really peaceful, though we all know that every single ounce of peace that ever comes my way always gets disturbed. Today was no different. About an hour or so after Tenko had fallen asleep Twice barged through the door, seeming way more hyper than usual. "Twice?" I asked in confusion.
"Shigaraki, Dabi, you'll never believe who I recruited today! I've come up empty handed! Look!!!" Twice announced, somebody walking into base a couple minutes later.
I tensed, slightly tightening my grib on Tenko and igniting my flames in my free hand. "Twice? Why in the actual fuck did you bring him here?" I asked, my eyes dead set on the red winged hero.
"He said he wanted to join so I brought him to talk to Tomura! Praise me!"
Hawks just stood there, looking around the place until his eyes landed on Tenko and I, his hands flying up in defence. "Hey man, I'm not here to start a fight."
I didn't listen to a word he said, I pulled Tenko in as close as I could and made my flames even hotter. "Touya?" I heard Tenko mumble. He opened his eyes, practically flying back into me when he saw Hawks. "Why-"
"Twice thought it would be a good idea to bring him here because he claimed he wanted to join us." I answered, repositioning my hand around Tenko's waist.
"Twice, there's no way you're actually this stupid." Tenko sighed, rubbing his temples.
"You have ten seconds before I turn you into fried chicken, hero."
"First off, I'm a hawk, not a chicken. Secondly I seriously want to join you guys. I saw what you guys did at that battle a few months back and it was killer. I'm sick and tired of being the commissions' dog, I want to help you guys overthrow them." Hawks said, a shitty grin on his face the entire time.
   I sent a few of my flames towards the oversized bird as a warning. "I don't believe a singular word you say. Twice might be dense enough to believe that you actually want to turn on the commission, but I'm not. Get the fuck out and forget you ever saw this place. If any of your stupid commission or hero brats come here I'll be coming for your head personally." I said, my jaw clenched.
   "I'll do whatever it takes to prove my loyalty to you guys. You know how to contact me Dabi, call me if you ever want to take me up on my offer." Hawks says before walking out the door.
Tenko sighed, "Twice, you and I need to have a little talk about not trusting everything that somebody says."
"I-I'm sorry." Twice said, seemingly frozen in place.
"I'm not mad at you Twice, fuck, I don't have the energy to be mad at you. You just can't be as trusting towards people like him. There's a reason why that when I do recruits I have people meet me in warehouses and stuff to assign them their first tasks, it's because you can't just assume that people are telling the truth. Especially not heroes." Tenko replies, lying back down against me.
   "I'll do better, I really am sorry Tomura." Twice responds, his contradictions completely gone.
   "Like I said, it's alright. Just go off and relax until the rest of the league gets back, alright?" To this Twice just nodded and slowly walked off to his room.
   "We moving base?" I asked, fully prepared to go pack up Tenko and I's shit.
   Tenko shook his head, "No, something's telling me that Hawks isn't going to send anybody to raid or attack us. If he's on a mission he's going to keep playing along until he gets what he wants out of us. He won't do something unnecessary or anything that'll jeopardize his mission."
   "Even when you have zero energy you're still somehow a genius when it comes to this shit." I said, somehow still being impressed by Tenko's logic.
   "It comes with the job, now be my pillow again. I was having a really good dream until this shit happened." Tenko replied, once again settling into his earlier position before closing his eyes.

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