Befriending the Chicken

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"You're sure you want me to do this?" I asked, doubting how good of an idea this was.
Tenko looked me dead in the eyes, "Yes, I want you to do this. You're the only one here that I actually trust to attempt to get close to him and win him over. It's been a couple weeks, I'm sure he's getting desperate."
   "So play friends with Hawks, that's what you want?"
   "Essentially, yes. The next battle is only a few weeks away, we might as well try to make use of him." Tenko replied.
I sighed, "If that's what you want me to do then I'll do it, just let me know where I'm supposed to meet him. Though, just to let you know I have some history with him. I'd feel bad not telling you before you task me with this."
Tenko shrugged, "As long as whatever it is stays in the past I don't care. I already told him where to meet you, I'll have Kurogiri send you there. Text me it something's wrong or when you need to come back." Tenko said.
I nodded, leaning down to kiss him before heading out, "I'll try not to be gone too long." After finishing up my goodbye to him I went out to the living room, Kurogiri was already waiting for me.
   "Be safe Dabi." Kurogiri said as I walked through the gate.
   Tenko was right, Hawks was already there when I got to the other side. His smile brightened when he noticed me, "Hey, Dabi! What's up man? Long time no see." He said, starting towards me.
   I held my hand out, "Not too close." I replied. I know he could still attack me with his feathers, but at least at this distance I can counter with my flames.
Hawks stopped in his tracks, holding his hands up. "Easy now big guy. I know the other day wasn't all that great but I promise that I want to make this work between us. I was serious when I said I wanted to help you guys."
"I'm not as trusting as Twice, especially not with what's happened between us. I know you, it's going to take a hell of a lot more convincing than just your word. You have 3 weeks to prove your loyalty to us, Shigaraki has given me the joy of assigning you tasks over those 3 weeks. Accomplish them all we'll consider letting you join us and help in our next mission. Me personally, I don't want to see your face ever again. Shigaraki wants me to do this though, so I kind of have to." I said, crossing my arms and examining the hero.
Hawks is a lot smaller than I am, always has been. Standing across from him really sets in how much taller I am than him. I'd say he's about 5'6"-5'7", there isn't much weight to him either. The only thing that makes it seem like he has height and weight to him are his wings, without them he'd probably just be a twig that you could easily snap in half.
   "Aw, I'm really hurt Dabi. What happened to being friends? I was looking forward to us picking up where we left off." Hawks said, a cheeky smile on his face.
   I rolled my eyes, "That was years ago. Besides, you're the one that fucked up what we had. Here's your first mission and a burner phone. Call me when you finish and I'll give you your next assignment." I said, handing him the file Tenko gave me earlier.
   Hawks took the file and looked through it before placing it under his arm, "You really don't let shit go, do you?" He said under his breath before widening his smile, "Can do, looking forward to it." When I thought he was done talking I sent Tenko a message that I was ready to come back and started walking away, only for Hawks to call out to me. "You know, it's not my business, but you really should go see Endeavor and your family. Endeavor's been a mess since finding out who you were, they miss you."
   I looked back at him, "You're right, it's not your business. Keep out of it, Keigo." I spat before walking through Kurogiri's warp gate, never taking another glance back at the hero.
When I got back to base I saw Tenko sitting on the living room floor emerged in playing a video game with Twice, Toga cheering for them on the couch. "Welcome back Dabi." Toga said as I sat down next to her.
"Thanks crazy, how long've they been at it?" I asked, looking over at Tenko who was yelling at the screen.
"Not too long. They've both been yelling at the screen since they started though, it's kind of funny." She said, right as Twice started yelling at Tenko for cheating.
I laughed, "Definetly, it's one of my favorite things about watching Tomura play video games at night." I replied, leaning back into the couch to just watch everything unfold, which, I know that shit's going to go down. Tenko's already got a bad temper when it comes to playing video games and so does Twice, Tenko being hormonal doesn't help the situation. I refuse to miss out on seeing this.
About an hour or so later is when it finally begins. At some point they abandoned the first game they were playing and switched over to Cuphead. Why do they like this game so much? I don't know, but they always play it and have made it their mission to complete everything perfectly. In case you're curious, it always ends badly.
   Just like every other time they play, they ended up losing levels over and over again on their attempt at getting every level to an S rank. They kept their calm for about 25 minutes before Tenko started yelling, Twice following close behind. 10 minutes later? Controllers went flying.
   Tenko threw his controller back and nearly hit me right in the face with it, my reflexes barely being fast enough to catch it. "THIS GAME'S FUCKING RIGGED!" Tenko yelled as his hands clenched at his hair.
   I sighed before walking over and sitting next to him. I put my hand on his head and pulled him into me, "Calm down Crusty, you'll beat it eventually." I said, my hand falling from his head to his shoulder. Tenko huffed but didn't say anything, he just threw his arms around my neck and pressed his forehead against my neck.
   "We should've w-won. It's so unfair!" Tenko complained, his voice hinting that he started crying.
   I ran my hand over his back, "I know love, but you're almost there. You'll win eventually, I know you will."
   I stayed on the floor with Tenko until he calmed down, Toga doing the same with Twice, though that took less time as Twice wasn't the one crying. Once calm I helped him up and he went to the kitchen to grab a couple things before meeting me in my room. When he came in he sat down on my bed, leaned against me, and put his full attention into listening to me tell him about my first meeting with Hawks.

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