Chapter 7 - It's Him

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Skip, at dinner…

"Hello Jihwan, where are you now? I was in front of your house…" Sehyuk called him while he was driving home.

"Just wait for me there, I was on my way home" he said and they ended the call.

"Who's that?" Soomin, who was sitting beside him, asked.

"My sunbae, he'll have dinner with us tonight…" he said.

"Ouh, can't wait to meet him…" she said in a fake smile.

Once when they were in front of the apartment building, Jihwan then realized about Dahee. He stopped and zoning out, thinking about Dahee.

"Jihwan? You forgot something?" Soomin asked.

"No…let's go" he said and they walked to his house.

"Hyung!" he called and Sehyuk looked at him.

"What kind of owner makes the guest wait outside of the door huh?" he asked and Jihwan chuckled.

Then Sehyuk looked at Soomin. "I don't know if you're bringing a girlfriend?" he said and Jihwan looked at Soomin.

Soomin was a bit blushing and she looked down.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's my friend" he said and Soomin's reaction changed. Jihwan and Sehyuk realized that but Jihwan doesn't care about it.

"Let's go inside, we're here for dinner aren't we?" Jihwan opened the door and saw the house's lights weren't turned on.

"Have a seat" he invited. Sehyuk and Soomin sit down on the couch. Both of them looked around and smiled at each other.

While Jihwan got into Dahee's room and she's not there, his eyes widened to see the window was wide open. He then checked the bathroom and also the kitchen but she really left the house.

"If you come home again, I'm gonna cook you as Bolognese Spaghetti," he mumbled.

"Would both of you wait for me to cook?" Jihwan asked.

"Sure…" Sehyuk said.

"Let me help you" Soomin said but Jihwan refused to.

When he walked into the kitchen, surprisingly, there's a pot of Alfredo Fettuccine and roast chicken in the oven.

Those meals are still hot like they were cooked about a few minutes ago. He prepared those on the dining table and invited Sehyuk with Soomin.

"Wow, are you using magic or something? That's so quick! I can't even imagine how you do that…" Sehyuk praised him and can smell the dishes' scents. It's delightful and creamy.

"Are you cooking all of this by yourself?" Soomin asked.

"No…" he said and sat down.

"Then who cooked this? You hired a chef?" she said.

"I didn't hire anyone, just…it was already served in the kitchen…" he said and made her confused.

"Ouh…kinda weird but let's give it a taste! It's rare to have western food for dinner…" she said and tasted it.

"Holy crap, this is good!" Sehyuk said.

Jihwan was also shocked to taste it as he thought maybe Dahee had already cooked it before he went home.

"I know…" he said with a calm face.

"You should give me the recipe!!" Soomin said.

"I would if I had it…" he said and it made her more confused.

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