Second Life 8 - In The Abyss Of Life

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Both of them showered and got dressed. She walked out from her house and saw he's already leaning at the wall, beside her door.

"You're done…" she said shyly.

"Yup! Let's grab some breakfast~" he wrapped his finger around her small hand and didn't let it go all the way to the college.

"I-I think you can let me go right now…" she said in a very reddened face.

Everyone looked at them in that class. Since they walked into the main gate until reaching the class, he didn't let go of her hand and even kissed her forehead. It caught everyone's attention and she was quite uncomfortable with it.

"Why not? I love it~" he smiled while her head was lowered.

"I…I just feel like everyone were looking at us and judging…" she mumbled.

"Ouh jinjja?" he asked and gave a sharp glare at everyone. They were surprised and looked at the board in front.

The class is like…

"We shouldn't look at them aren't we?"

"Yup…or he'll eat us alive"

"How I don't know that his glare was that deadly?"

"But he's still handsome while do it~"

"Now look at me…" Hyun said to her. She looks at him while hiding half of her face from others to see.

"I'll protect you~" he whispered and it made her giggle. It's not that funny but the way he's telling her was quite cute. A small pouting at the word 'you' and his smiley eyes that make it more adorable.

"Laugh more so that I can too~" he added.

"Sure!" she smiled, showing her cute bunny white teeth in line.

Both of them went through the class as usual until the end of the time. She was quite sleepy because of last night but it was worth it as the assignment was finished and in good marks.

"Okay class, let's proceed our studies further tomorrow~ also I'll announce your results for this semester test, tomorrow…" the lecturer waved at them and left the class.

They were stunned and anxious, everyone was talking about it. This semester's exam or test wasn't that easy but still can be answered logically, that's what she thought.

"Aren't you going to the cafeteria?" he asked.

"No, I'm so tired, I'm just gonna have some sleep before the class starts, wake me up if the lecturer arrives…" she laid her head on the table. It's more tiring than thinking about the results.

"Okay then, I'll not go to the cafeteria…" he sat back beside her.

"Why? Are you not hungry?" she asked.

"Fold wasn't a main thing for a demon like me, we consume a lot of energy from human's blood…" he explained and she squinted her eyes.

He giggled "I'm not gonna sucks your blood! Don't worry!" he chuckled.

"Who knows that you'll suddenly jump onto me and bite my neck!" she acted like a vampire with fangs.

"I'm not that psycho you know! Only my appa will do that…" he pouted.

"Your parents? I never met them…" she said.

"Of course, they are the King and the Queen in Hell, my appa was the Demon of Envy and my eomma was the Forbidden Angel, their story was quite surprising for me…" he said.

"Forbidden angel? An angel who is from the marriage of a demon and a pure angel?" she asked.

"Yeah, their love story was quite hard to understand but they ended up having me and lost my first samchon in the battle…" he continued.

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