Chpater 19 - Tears In Fire

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"Urgh..." Soohyuk spit out blood but the lust of his was wanting more and more. Do more than limit, that's what he wants.

"HAHAHA!!" Sehyuk executed the soldiers one by one with the pride that he most wanted.

"YOU SHOULD DIE!!" Daejin shot 10 soldiers in one shot.

"I want more blood!! This is so boring~" Hyunwoo stabbed those soldiers and giggled.

Meanwhile, Sangcheol was just standing in one place and waiting for the enemies to attack him. That's how The Demon of Sloth works, work smart not work hard.

Daehyun was beating them mercilessly and didn't even look at the amount of the soldiers that he killed, he's the real mess in war.

"Jihwan-ssi...or your majesty?" Hilux said.

"You filthy betrayal..." Jihwan smirked.

They kept on the battle as others were attracting the soldier's attention, they couldn't even count the amount of all of them. It's many and looks like it's not gonna end.

But wait, someone is missing.

"The sake of my eomma, Arval and Phlox, bring up two powers. The base of Heaven and Hell, I called out the eternal flame to destroy the obsidian power!" she said and in one seconds, the wings of her changed to white.

She becomes the spotlight and it makes Hilux really mad. It should be him who holds both stones.

Daehyun can't believe what he saw, he was wrong all of the time. She can bear those powers and even more than he expected.

"Dahee-ya..." Daejin was speechless and so were others.

Jihwan stands with her "I lend you my power..." he said and brings up the most important power of his.

With one swing of her, all the dark soldiers vanished and it makes Hilux unsatisfied but he tries to keep his cool.

"Unsatisfied?" she smirked.

"Well, not bad but I got surprised for you guys..." he smirked and spelled a cast that made others be tied by the Obcus chain, it's the only weakness that all of them got.

"Oppa!!" she said and almost walked towards them but Hilux tied them tighter and they whined in pain.

"Don't come there Dahee, settle what you have in front of your eyes. We miss one step and he'll kill all of them..." Jihwan held her shoulder.

"But-" Daehyun cut her words.

"Don't...urgh, worry about!" Daehyun said with the only energy that he got.

They almost ended the battle but the chain made them lose lots of energy and it made the injuries to them more severe.

"Please Dahee...urgh! Beat him!" Daejin whined in pain.

"Jihwan, free them..." she said and he nodded.

"Did I fight with the queen?" Hilux teased her.

"You just fight with the death, Hilux..." she said and smirked as the mercy, empathy and sympathy didn't exist in herself anymore.

Hilux made a first move by grabbing her with Obcus chain but grabbed the chain and broke it, thanks to Jihwan's power. No chain that Jihwan can't beat.

"That easy?" Hilux was a bit anxious.

"Nervous?" she smirked while walking towards him.

"Not even once..." he said in ego.

"Well then, it's my turn!" hundreds of knives were flying to him but he put a shield. They keep pushing until the knives hit one of them.

"Don't you need rest? You looked tired..." he teased.

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