Chapter 3 - Human Or Not

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Sehyuk was bringing Dahee to a place that she had never been to, a quiet place on earth.

"Where were we?" she asked.

"We're here to learn about your transformation and to get some peace," he said.

"I see…this place was too peaceful…I thought it was a hidden heaven" she chuckled.

"I also thought the same thing but it wasn't, this is a sea…a place where sunrise and sunset can be seen, a place for your messy mind to untie the rope" he explained.

"What a beautiful place here…earth wasn't that bad though, I thought it's just a noisy place full of ungrateful humans…" she smiled.

"Well, it is…but some of them can choose to get away from the noise by coming here cause they don't want to do something that makes them regret…"

"Humans only have one life on earth and they can't waste it in regrets and disappointment, we don't have limits for the age cause we depend on the weakness and punishment to meet the death" he smiled.

"So…we're here to get some peace before teaching me?" Dahee asked.

"No, we're here to arrange other abilities in your mind before creating a new one…and I guess we can start now" he said.

"Ouh!" she faced him.

"The first thing you need to do is spread your wings" he said and Dahee just followed his orders.

"Then…close your eyes," he continued.

"The third part may be a bit hard…you need to use your imagination to feel how the animals are…"

"How do you feel? It's quite dark here though" she said and heard him chuckling.

"Imagine what the animals that you want to be, compare the size with humans, imagine the part of the body and remember to bring the wildness of it" he whispered.

In a second, Dahee turned into a dark red phoenix.

"Good job Dahee!" he said and Dahee was flying in happiness.

"Yes!! Woohoo!!" she flew until saw the sunset and decided to fly higher and higher, the sweetest moment of her life.

"The sunset was very beautiful" she smiled and finally got down.

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Of course!" she turned herself into a human form.

"That's a great view of sunset!" she was excited to tell everything that she saw even if it's what he already saw before.

"You look very happy and that's great~" he said.

"Yeah but…what another level of the transformation if that was the first level?"

"The first level was doing normal animals and the animals that you've done just now were the 3rd level, mythological animals, most of the demons can't attach to this level because they're mixed breeding animals," he explained.

"Then, what's the last level of this transformation?" she asked.

"It's a monster…no one can do the last level of the transformation except demon king" he said.

"Then, what's the function of the last level?"

"It's to suck all the humans soul in one move and some of the demons also can be suck in together…but the demon king doesn't use that form anymore"

"I bet he doesn't want to kill anyone that innocent"

"Yeah…I think so…"

"But I always wondered who's the demon king, he never showed up and yet I never saw his face…oppa said he's very young, more young than him but most of the demons said he was an old man" Dahee frowned.

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