Chapter 12 - One Heart

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"Jihwan…this is a supermarket?" she asked when both of them arrived.

"Yes…you never saw it before?" he asked while unbelt his seatbelt.

"No exactly…" she said.

Both of them then get a trolley and walk into the supermarket. Dahee's eyes were looking around while her hand was still wrapping around Jihwan's arm.

"Help me get some meat at the back, I'll wait for you at the drinks section…" he said.

"Okay~!" she saluted and walked away.

Jihwan pushes the trolley and gets all the things that they need for dinner.

Suddenly, someone called him.

"Omo!? Isn't this Jihwan-ssi? Annyeong~" Jihoon, his enemy back then when he was still a beginner in a medical.

"Oh…annyeong, Jihoon sunbae…"  he said.

"It's been a long time since I met you, right?" he asked.

"Yeah…it was a happy day until I met you again…" Jihwan said with a cold tone.

"C'mon Jihwan-ssi~ don't be so cold-blooded~ by the way, you're still single huh?" he said.


"Jihwan-ssi~ life is short~ you should find the love of your life before it's too late~" he mocking him.

"Sunbae, my life will be stuck here, maybe you should worry about yours instead…" he said.

"Yeah, let it get stuck and don't go anywhere~" he smirked.

"That's not what I meant but let it be as what you think cause it's too wide for your narrow mind…" he said.


"Jihwan! I got the meat!" Dahee suddenly runs towards him and shows the meat.

"You know how to choose it~" he patted her head.

"Of course! I also got some vegetables~!" she said.

"Good girl~" he smiled.

"Ouh?! You talked with someone?" she saw Jihoon.

"Introduce my sunbae, Baek Jihoon…sunbae, she's my…" his words stopped.

"…wife, Kim Dahee~" she shakes hands with him.

"Oh! You already got married?!" Jihoon was shocked.

"Yeah…as you can see…" Jihwan played along with her games.

Jihwan looked at Dahee with widened eyes while she just smiled at him with thousands of meanings.

"You got a beautiful wife…" Jihoon said.

"Thank you~" Dahee said.

"Yeah, she's my precious one~" he smiled and held her palm.

Dahee looked at him and blushing by herself. She didn't know that he'd make it look real.

"It seems that I misunderstood you, Jihwan…" Jihoon looked away

"Yeah, maybe you should ask first~" he said and it almost made Dahee laugh but she held it with a smile.

"I think I shouldn't disturb you anymore, happy marriage…" he said.

Jihoon then shakes hands with Jihwan and walks away. Dahee let go her hands from Jihwan. They continue walking.

"So…someone just admitted herself as my wife huh?" he smirks.

"I just wanted to save you, don't misunderstand it," she blushed.

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