Second Life End - Our Eternity

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" head..." Hyun wakes up from his bed.

"Hyung, you...fully awake?" Joowon asked.

"Of course I am...what the doctor said?" Hyun sat properly while asked.

"That's a surprise question from you, you know? In the drama, the protagonist used to ask about their love—" Joowon stopped when he slipped something that wasn't supposed to from his mouth.

"Love? Nayoung? Wait...where's Nayoung?! What happened to her? Was she safe?!" Hyun rapidly asked Joowon but he lowered his head.

"What? Why are you lowering your head? What happened to her?!! Where's her room?!!!" Hyun shakes his shoulder.

"Hyung...Nayoung noona wasn't in any room except the morgue..." he said with a bitter taste in his mouth.

"What? Morgue? What happened to her?! You must be kidding me right?! Joowon-ssi!!! You kidding me!!" he yelled.

"Hyung, that's what the doctor told me, she has brain damage because of the can I lie about your lover's life?" he looked at Hyun's eyes that were already teary.

He stepped backwards and fell on the bed. Speechless and surprised at the same time. His heart was about to drop but he couldn't do anything anymore.

"Why?...why did she leave me? She already promised..." his voice trembling as he covered his face.

"Hyung, she's human, not as eternal as us...they have a lifetime and we don't...that's a fate..." Joowon said. He never saw Hyun cry since the first time he met him.

"Is the feeling of sadness that humans used to feel? Am I already half human or it's just this damn human form?" he asked Joowon.

"I can't tell you hyung, it's your feelings...there's always a probability for all of us to feel sad even at the smallest probability..." Joowon added.

"I'll go out first, you calm yourself and try to accept this..." Joowon ended as he walked out of the room. The click of the doorknob was heard.

Hyun was trembling, he didn't know what to do. He did feel something more terrible than losing someone but this time was the worst feeling he ever felt. He needs her calm hug and gentle voice to calm him down.

"Why? If only I just don't let her go out that night, if only I don't take Seoknam too easily...if only I don't be too careless and foolish!!" he was mad at himself.

That night, he let himself in the room and cried all night. Even though it looks weak, he doesn't care as she was one of the most important people in his life. She's gone now and what can he do?

The last hug, kiss and sweet words was that night, it was too fast and too short for him. Now he needs to accept that she's gone forever.

The next day, Joowon brought him into the morgue to see her corpse. He stopped in front of the door and felt that his legs were weak.

"Are you good? Want to delay?" Joowon asked.

"No...I want to see her...for the last time..." he said.

"Okay, let's go..." Joowon helped him.

Both of them got into the room, it was cold and there's no fear for both of them as corpses were the usual thing they saw.

But there's a body that is covered with a cloth on the table, Hyun knows it was her body. He was shaking while taking off the cloth from her face. There's a little hope that it wasn't her but what can change the fate now?

He took it off and fell down. It is really her, her white pale face that is pale now. Her red lips that used to kiss his cheek are now blue. There's no blood on her face. Her cold stiff body made him more weak and fell on the floor.

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