Second Life 6 - Disclosure

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Skip at the night's event…

Nayoung wears a blue night gown that is off shoulder, there's three layers that shading the gown. It looks so suitable with the theme, late at night.

She lied to him and went to the event. Alone without a partner and decided to not take part on the dancefloor.

"Nayoung-ssi, where's Hyun? I thought both of you were together tonight?" her classmate asked.

"He'll not attend tonight's event, I'll just be sitting here…" she replied with a bitter smile.

"Okay, but better for you to get a partner~" she waved while walking away.

Nayoung sighed and sat in the chair, no one was having a partner or group to talk with but she's alone with a glass of cocktail in her hand.

"Seoknam also wasn't here…should I just leave?" she mumbled then, the middle of the dance floor was empty. She knew that the dance was going to start.

She decided to see the performance then leave afterwards.

The lights were off and the spotlight in the middle, lit up. There's a guy in the middle of the dancefloor and Nayoung was frowning. She takes a closer look but the guy wears a mask that covers his eyes.

He danced a tango in the middle of the dancefloor with a perfect blue suit. Is it a coincidence to have the same color as her?

He moves closer and closer to her and she takes a few steps back. But the guy stopped right in front of her. He gave away his right hand and Nayoung was confused.

"My love, can you be my dance partner tonight? We're having the same outfit's color~" he said in a very flirty and sweet voice. She hesitated to take his hand but at the end, walked in the middle of the dance floor and presented the tango.

"Be more gentle my love~ I'm not gonna eat you~" he giggled. She can feel the butterflies in her stomach but it's kinda weird because that feeling only occured when she was with Hyun.

"Are there any butterflies? Or…" he grabbed her waist near to his body then spinned her.

Her back met his chest and he slid his hand to her belly and whispered to her ear "I need to give you some?" he giggled in a very flirty but devilish way. 

He's like the devil of lust that's gonna torture you all night long and not gonna let you out from his grip. Don't even let you see the light. The real shadow that's gonna make you disappear forever from life. But there's a calm that's gonna keep her from any dangers.

"Who are you?" she finally asked.

"I'm…" he moved one step

"Your…" he spinned her around and grabbed her waist.

"Future boyfriend…" he leaned forward while she was still in his arms.

He slowly moved his face towards her and they were in their own world. The crowd gave a round of applause and cheered.

They stood at the beginning position and Nayoung was curious that she opened his mask. She was gasping as the person she danced with was Hyun. He actually attended it.

His appearance is undercut with long sides brownish hair. Is he dyeing his hair? His suit that tells the shapes of his masculine body, very forbidden to see it but everyone's eyes were on them right now. 

And his lips were so soft just now, I can't even tell whether it's jelly or lips.

A few seconds they became the spotlight and other dancers or their classmates moved to the dancefloor and they danced the waltz.

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