Chapter 18 - The Last War

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"Can you track them?" Daehyun asked.

"No, even if I can, their location was very odd and outside of our radar, we need to find them by ourselves…" Hyunwoo said.

"Where are they exactly? Maybe there'll be some clues in their last location? I can't let her go outside for a long time even when Jihwan was with her…" Daehyun said.

"Don't rush about this, give them time to make their own space…" Daejin holds his shoulder.

"What space do you mean?! I can't just let Dahee be surrounded by dangers!!" he said.

"Let's trust Jihwan about her safety…she chose him for a reason! We made a mistake by holding her back!!" he yelled at him and made Daehyun stunned.

"We made a mistake and…turned her into…a beast, we're the one who needs to change…" Daejin held his shoulder and Daehyun sighed.

"Track them and tell me their location, my decision was fixed…" he said and walked out.

"Hyung!" Daejin called but Daehyun ignored him.

"Now what?" Hyunwoo asked.

"Track them, we don't want more trouble than this…hope Jihwan knows what he's doing right now…" Soohyuk said.

"This is a Memorial Palace isn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah it is…this place was the first place we met, don't you remember that?" he asked.

"Oh yeah~ we met by accident…this place was forbidden to enter at that time" she giggled when remember the old times.

**Flashback On**

"I hope appa wouldn't see me here…" she said while hiding behind the door of the Memorial Palace. She was 6 that time.

"Oi!" a voice from behind startled her. It's a boy.

"What are you doing here? It's forbidden to enter this place" he said arrogantly.

"I-I…w-what are you doing here then! You said it's forbidden to enter…" she covered herself.

"Okay…you caught me…" he said with a poker face.

Dahee turned around and took a peek at the door, making sure that there's no one who saw them.

"What are you looking at?" he asked and immediately, Dahee pulled him to bend down with her.

"I was making sure that we both will not get caught…" she said.

"Ouh…" he said and looked at her side profile. For a while, his eyes were seeing a light. When he looked back at her wings, it wasn't a dark color but more like grey.

"Yah…" he called.


"Why were your wings grey?" he asked.

"I don't know…it has been like that since I was born…" she said without looking at him, still focusing on the door.

"I heard that only angels have a white and shiny wings…" he said and it attracted her attention.

"Angels?" she asked.

"Yeah…you don't know?" he frowned and she shook her head.

"No…no one told me about that before but I've heard that somewhere…what exactly angels are?" she said.

"Let me tell you…angels are very beautiful creatures that are born and exist in the universe…" he explained.

"They're more beautiful than demons?" she asked with curiosity.

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