Chapted 10 - Parasite II

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Dahee flies to Sehyuk house as he is more professional in this kind of matter.

Knock! knock!

"Dahee? What are you doing here?" he asked as he saw her standing with a panting breath.

"I'm…here…because—" Sehyuk stopped her.

"Wait Dahee…what if you come in first and catch some breath" he invited her in and closed the door.

"Sehyuk oppa! Help me with this!" Dahee showed him a sample of blood in a test tube.

"Blood? Whose blood is this?" he asked and opened the lid to smell it.

"Woah—!!" Sehyuk immediately closed it and looked at Dahee with a surprised expression.

"The smell was quite strong right?" she said.

"This is not strong, this is concentrated! It's like you smell ethanethiol gas! Where did you find this?!" he became serious.

"I— found this…just tell me how to neutralize it! You don't need to know where I found this!" she said.

"Dahee…tell me where did you get this…" his glare became as sharp as the spear and his voice was as deep as Mariana Trench.

But Dahee still keeps the truth to herself as she doesn't want to let him know or his brother will also know about it.

"I wouldn't tell you even if you insisted…" she fought his glares with her eyes.

Sehyuk sighed after seeing her eyes. He knows that Dahee wasn't a demon who'll insist on keeping by herself if there's a reason behind it.

"Find…I'll help you…" he said and her eyes were shining.

"Thank you!! Let's go now!!" she hugged him and pulled him to his hidden lab in the house.

"Chill~ I'll not run away…" he giggled.

Sehyuk was flipping through the book of heather that had been left by his father. The answer for all the poison and magic from hell.

"You found something?!" Dahee becomes impatient.

"No, not yet…but I've smelled this kind of scent before…just, I don't know if there's any medicine or cure for this…" he said.

"But I need the medicine now…" she said.

"Now? For who?" he asked, trying to bring out her secret.

"For…no one! Let's just continue this search!" she said and flipped another book.

"Dahee…just tell me who's blood, I'll not tell Daehyun or Daejin, I promise" he said.

Dahee looked at Sehyuk who's waiting for her answer. She knows that he never breaks his promise even if he needs to sacrifice his life.

"Actually…did you remember a guy's house that I showed you recently?" she asked.

"That Jihwan guy?" he asked.

"Y-yeah! That one! This morning, I saw him acting weirdly and didn't even respond to me. He also had wounds at his hands, bruised at his neck and I'm thinking there's wounds around his body cause I can feel the bandage through his shirt" she explained.

"Okay, then?"

"Then, I'm trying to cure him with healing magic but his aura has rejected my power and is trying to absorb it too. I tried it many times but there's no changes, then I smelled something just to know that it was from him. Because of curiosity, I'm coming here to ask you…" she ended the explanation.

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