Chapter 2 - Demon Under The Bed

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It's midnight and Jihwan was already in a deep sleep while Dahee was rolling under the bed. She used her magic to get rid of a bad aura.

Dahee sighs "I need to make a full report but I don't know what he does up there...what kind of demons that report a human life? This is so ridiculous" she mumbled then fell asleep.

The next morning, she accidentally wakes up due to Jihwan's noise.

"The hell does this human do?!" her heart was shouting but she was shocked to see a droplet of blood fall from up, in front of her eyes. She also saw Jihwan's foot that was already wearing his doctor's outfit.

"Is he dying?" she asked herself and almost crawled out from her hiding place. The smell of blood was too seductive.

She needed to stay away from it but Jihwan was bending over to wipe the blood. Her existence was almost uncovered but luckily, his head was higher than the bed level.

Then, Jihwan went to work. Dahee then looked for something but the house was just the same as when she checked it for the first time.

"I bet he's a psycho doctor!" she sighed "i sighed too much this lately..." Dahee then walked out from the house but accidentally bumped into a neighbour from the next door.

"Ouh! I'm sorry!" An old lady said.

"No, it's okay~" she replied.

"Are you Jihwan's wife?" she asked.

"Pardon me?" she didn't get what the old lady said.

"Are you by chance Jihwan's wife?" she asked again.

"So, this human's name was Jihwan..." her heart whispered.

"Umm...k-kinda~" she replied in an awkward face, she can't tell the truth or the task given will fail successfully.

"He finally got a partner~" the old lady said happily.

"He never got a girlfriend?" Dahee asked.

"Jihwan was a nice guy but he's too busy to even get a girlfriend, he also looked like my son that I cared about very much~" she said and Dahee was touched by her words.

"You're lucky to have him~ he's so caring and I'm sure you'll be happy living with him" she said and Dahee just smiled.

Dahee walked down the street and got a drink cause she needed normal food because of the damn human form.

"Thank you and come again!" a woman said and Dahee just walked out from the store.

"Umm~~ it tastes good though, a boba green tea. I should get this kind of drink more often but it'll be troublesome to be in this human form that weak" she mumbled.

"Doctor..." a nurse called Jihwan that accidentally zoned out during the surgery.

"Ah yes?!" he said.

"The patient..." the surgeons looked at Jihwan and they continued the operation.

"Are you okay, Jihwan?" Soomin, one of Jihwan's close friends and a popular surgeon in South Korea. She's very caring about Jihwan and never seen him this disturbing before.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." he said and just walked away.

"Hey..." Soomin stopped him by his shoulder.

"You know that you can tell me your problems right?" she continued.

"Yeah, thanks but I'm just not in the mood today" he said and walked into his room.

He sighed and sat in the chair. Soohyuk wasn't here today as he got outstation in Europe. Why did he feel everything was messing up today? Has he already run out of blood?

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