Second Life 2 - Dance With You

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Nayoung was trying to walk out by using the wall as her supporter but her leg was too weak after being beaten just now.

"Finish your stuff?" he asked while leaning at the front door.

"You're still here?" she asked.

"Yea…" Hyun was fixing his bag and suddenly lifted Nayoung up in a bridal style.

"W-what are y-you doing??!" she asked.

"Put your hands around my neck…" he said without answering Nayoung's question. She also doesn't ask anything and does what he tells her to.

Both of them went out and everyone was looking at them, from the hallway until the main gate.

Nayoung put her head on Hyun's chest as she felt very embarrassed. He giggled and smirked.

"Are you embarrassed?" he teased her and she just nodded.

"We're in front of your door, what's the passcode?" he asked.

"117…" she said and he entered her house. It's so clean and he put her on the couch.

"H-hey…" Nayoung pulled his shirt.

"What?" he asked.

"Can you help me take the first aid kit from the cabinet up there…" she pointed.

Without asking, Hyun just took it from the cabinet and put it beside her.

"Thank you for today~" she smiled and it gave him a weird feeling in his stomach.

He looked away as it was too dangerous for him, his heart was pounding hard and he could feel the heat around his face. Immediately, Hyun stood up and walked away.

"Take care of yourself, I'll go first…" he said and closed the main door.

Nayoung stared at the door for a long time until she remembered that she needed to go working at the restaurant.

Nayoung was working part time at the restaurant as her income. Since her parents left her, she has no one else in this world. So, she needs to depend on herself. The house was the only thing she got but it was from her uncle that passed away a long time ago.

"Can I go to work with this condition?" she asked herself.

It's 7:00 pm and her shift starts at 7:30 pm. If she doesn't go to work now, her boss will not pay her salary for this month. She was scared to ask for a holiday from her boss since no one has done that yet. He was a short-tempered person and didn't like mistakes.

As fast as she can, Nayoung dresses up in her uniform and takes her bag. She already applied some medicine and wrapped her leg with a bandage. It should be okay now.

Once Nayoung locked the door and walked towards the lift, she accidentally met Hyun again. He looks like from the supermarket, bringing some groceries with him.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I was about to go to work…" she said awkwardly.

"How were your legs?" he asked again and looked at her leg. She wore long leggings that wrapped her legs completely but she couldn't hide the bandage.

"It didn't hurt anymore…I already applied some medicine," she smiled.

"Wait for me…" he said and entered his house, put the groceries on the table and followed Nayoung.

"Let's go…" he said and Nayoung just let him follow her without asking anything.

Once they arrived in front of the restaurant, Nayoung looked at Hyun who almost walked into the restaurant. She grabbed his hand.

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