Second Life 4 - We're Not For Eachother

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"Today Hyun didn't enter the class, he already told me that he'll be busy with his own business. It's privacy. That's what he said…" Nayoung monologue with herself.

"Nayoung-ssi~" a boy approached her.

"Ouh! You're the one that I met at the library right a few days ago right?" she asked and he nodded.

"How are you? I didn't look for you for about one week, didn't I?" he asked, sitting in front of her.

"Yeah…I'm fine by the way…how about you? I didn't see you at the library anymore…" she softens her voice.

"I just have some assignments that I need to do in another room…it's quite weird to do it there…" he giggled.

"Ouh…that's why…" she nodded.

"Where's your boyfriend?~" he teased her.

"What boyfriend? He's not my boyfriend!" she denied but her heart was screaming in anxiety, that's what she hoped for.

"Don't play tricks on me~ both of you were quite trending in this college…it's very rare to hear your name but after Hyun was always with you 24/7, you guys were being shipped by other girls!" he explained.

"It's that bad?" she felt guilty.

"What bad? That's not that bad if there's no one that interferes with your friendship with him, just be careful in case. Who knows there'll be a snake in the grass…just take a precaution…" he advised.

"You're right, I don't want to be separated from him…" accidentally she said that.

"Why? Are you scared that he might have another girlfriend than you?~" he is still teasing.

"No! For real—" suddenly she realized that she still didn't know his name.

"Yah, I still didn't know your name? What should I call you?" she asked.

"Call me Seoknam~" he chins up on the table.

"Nice to meet you Seoknam-ssi~"

"You too, Nayoung-ssi~" he said.

Meanwhile, Hyun was walking down the path. He looked around carefully before turning into demon form.

"Finally…it sucks to be without wings…" he said and flew into an abandoned building.

"Annyeong hyung!!" his friend waved from afar, Joowon.

"How are you Joowon-ssi?" he walked towards him.

"Good, but I miss youu~" he whined cutely.

"Not cute and I'm not interested…" he coldly said.

"Don't be cruel~ I was helping you confirm your feelings a few days ago, you know?" he proudly showed.

"Pretending to be someone else that having a girlfriend wasn't helping, Joowon-ssi. I just play dumb and helping you taking orders." he confessed and Joowon gasped dramatically.

"You're fooling me!" he snapped.

"Yeah and it's easy to do it, how about you get into a good acting class and try again to fool me…as if you can right?" Hyun teased him.

"Well well well, I bet you're a good observer…here some blood, I take it from my appa's stock" he threw a pacaked of blood at Hyun.

"You know that Sehyuk samchon will not be happy with what you did right?" he asked.

"Well, appa wasn't that strict. I'll just say that I was craving…" he innocently made his poker face.

"What are you huh? A pregnant woman?" Hyun giggled.

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