Extra Chapter - Reincarnation

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Dahee sighed and looked at Jihwan who was sitting next to him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.

"I was just looking at my husband, can I?" she smirked.

"Stop seducing me Dahee, I was Demon of Envy you know~" he said.

"C'mon appa, eomma…both of you keep saying that in the past few days, I can't bear your flirty anymore!" Hyun whined and immediately ran away, knowing that Jihwan would chase him.

"What did you just say?!" he chased him and both of them fell on the sand at the beach. Jihwan tickled Hyun and made him laugh and beg at the same time.

"Eomma!! Help!!" he laughed.

"Dare to get help, huh?" Jihwan still tickled him.

"No appa! Stop~ HAHAHA IT'S TICKLISH!" he laughed.

"Okay both of you, enough playing on the sand~" Dahee called them. They were changing and playing in the water.

"Eomma…" Hyun suddenly called her.


"I saw Daehyun samchon…" he said and it made her frown.

"Where did you see him?" Jihwan asked and Hyun pointed at a person that's not far from them.

It's true that the man they saw looked very much like Daehyun. Dahee was gaping and looked at Jihwan.

"He's got reincarnated?" she said with surprise and Jihwan just smiled.

"You know something isn't it?" Dahee looked at him sharply and Jihwan giggled.

"To those who are worthy enough can be reincarnated because life always gives you a second chance to fix the mistake…" he hugged her shoulder and she was laying her head on his chest.

"He doesn't hesitate to sacrifice himself, that's making him worthy…" she said.

"Eomma…was he really Daehyun samchon?" Hyun asked.

"It's 50/50~" she said.

Suddenly, they approached them.

"Umm, excuse me~" he said.

"Yes?" Dahee again met him in the eyes, she missed his eyes that triggered her.

"Can we know where the toilet is? My daughter needs to go~" he said, pointing at the woman with a little girl beside her.

"Your daughter?" Dahee asked while looking at the little girl.

"Yes my daughter~" he said.

"It was at the back of that building," Jihwan pointed.

"Ouh thank you~" he said and ran towards his family and brought them to the toilet.

Dahee and Jihwan were just looking at them leaving, sighed after that and Hyun was confused.

"I don't understand…" Hyun said and it made Jihwan giggled. He accompanied his little hands.

"Your samchon already has his own family and that's the moment where both of us know that…he's living well and better as a human~" Jihwan explained.

"He's not a demon anymore?" Hyun asked.

"Nope~ he's done with that role…" Jihwan said and looked at Dahee beside him, clinging on his arm, smiling by herself.

"It's good to know that samchon was having a good life isn't it, eomma?" Hyun said with his little voice.

"Agreed with you my little moon~" Dahee said.

Three of them had a short break from hell duties and walked along the seaside. They may be immortal but not the place they went to. Let's bury this memory deep in our hearts.

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